Entry requirements

This advice reflects the UK government’s understanding of current rules for people travelling on a full ‘British citizen’ passport from the UK, for the most common types of travel.

The authorities in France set and enforce entry rules. If you’re not sure how these requirements apply to you, contact France’s Embassy in the UK.


Countries may restrict travel or bring in rules at short notice. Check with your travel company or airline for changes.

Visit TravelHealthPro (from the UK’s National Travel Health Network and Centre) for general COVID-19 advice for travellers.

Public spaces

You’re strongly recommended to wear a face mask in health settings. In some areas, people aged 6 and above may need to wear a face mask.

Passport validity requirements

If you are planning to travel to an EU country (except Ireland), or Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino or Vatican City, follow the Schengen area passport requirements.

Your passport must be:

  • issued less than 10 years before the date you enter the country (check the ‘date of issue’)
  • valid for at least 3 months after the day you plan to leave (check the ‘expiry date’)

Check your passport meets these requirements before you travel. If your passport was issued before 1 October 2018, extra months may have been added to its expiry date.

Contact the French Embassy in the UK if you think that your passport does not meet both these requirements. Renew your passport if you need to.

Passport stamping

At French border control, you may need to:

  • show proof of where you intend to stay, for example, a hotel booking or proof of address if visiting your own property
  • show proof of insurance for your trip – check FCDO’s travel insurance guidance
  • show a return or onward ticket
  • prove that you have enough money for your whole stay

Check your passport is stamped if you enter or exit the Schengen area through France as a visitor. Border guards will use passport stamps to check you’re complying with the 90-day visa-free limit for short stays in the Schengen area. If relevant entry or exit stamps are not in your passport, border guards will presume that you have overstayed your visa-free limit.

You can show evidence of when and where you entered or exited the Schengen area, and ask the border guards to add this date and location in your passport. Examples of acceptable evidence include boarding passes and tickets.

If you live in France, read our Living in France guide for passport stamping information.

Proof of accommodation and funds

You may need to show proof of where you intend to stay. Read about documents you may need for short stays on the French government website. This will differ depending on where you are staying.

Staying with family, friends or a third party

You may be asked to provide an ‘attestation d’accueil’ (welcome invitation) from your host. The French resident hosting you must get the ‘attestation d’accueil’ from their local mayor’s office, and send the original ‘attestation’ before you enter France. Be prepared to show proof that you have at least €32.50 euros a day for the duration of your stay.

Second homes in France

You will need to be able to prove ownership or tenancy of your property, such as a tax or utility bill.

Staying in a hotel or other commercial accommodation

You may be asked for confirmation of your reservation when entering France. Be prepared to show proof that you have at least €65 euros a day for the duration of your stay.

Other circumstances

If you do not have an ‘attestation d’accueil’ (welcome invitation) or any pre-booked accommodation, you may be asked to prove you have at least €120 euros a day for the duration of your stay.

For more information on these requirements, visit the French government’s website on travel conditions for British citizens.

Visa requirements

You can travel to countries in the Schengen area, which France is part of, for up to 90 days in any 180-day period without a visa. This applies if you travel:

  • as a tourist
  • to visit family or friends
  • to attend business meetings, cultural or sports events
  • for short-term studies or training

If you are travelling to France and other Schengen countries without a visa, make sure your whole visit is within the 90-day limit. Visits to Schengen countries within the previous 180 days before you travel count towards your 90 days.

To stay longer (to work or study, for business travel or for other reasons), you will need to meet the French government’s entry requirements. Check which type of visa you may need on the France Visas website.

If you are travelling to France for work, read the guidance on visas and permits.

If you stay in France with a residence permit or long-stay visa, this does not count towards your 90-day visa-free limit.

British citizens who cannot return to the UK before their visa, permit or visa-free limit expires should contact their local prefecture in France.

Vaccination requirements (other than COVID-19)

At least 8 weeks before your trip, check the vaccinations and vaccination certificates you may need on TravelHealthPro.

Customs rules

There are strict rules about goods that can be brought into and taken out of France. Check the French Directorate General of Customs and Excise website. Declare anything that may be prohibited or subject to tax or duty.

Taking food and drink into the EU

You cannot take meat, milk or products containing them into EU countries. There are some exceptions for medical reasons, for example certain amounts of powdered infant milk, infant food, or pet food required for medical reasons. Check the rules about taking food and drink into the EU on the European Commission website.