Foreign travel advice


Safety and security


There is a high threat of terrorist attack globally affecting UK interests and British nationals, including from groups and individuals who view the UK and British nationals as targets. Stay aware of your surroundings at all times.    

UK Counter Terrorism Policing has information and advice on staying safe abroad and what to do in the event of a terrorist attack. Find out how to reduce your risk from terrorism while abroad.

Terrorism in Guinea

Terrorist attacks in Guinea cannot be ruled out.

Attacks could be indiscriminate including in places visited by foreigners. Stay aware of your surroundings, keep up to date with local media reports and follow the advice of local authorities. 

Political situation

There was a coup in Guinea in 2021 and the resulting military-backed interim government is still in charge. The situation is changeable and you should remain vigilant, avoid demonstrations and monitor local media.

Political tensions are high. Protests about the economic situation, such as the lack of electricity, are common. Public gatherings and demonstrations can start with little or no notice and can quickly turn violent. During protests in Moyenne Guinea in the past, protestors have ransacked and set fire to several public buildings. In recent years many protestors and bystanders have died during protests and hundreds have been injured.

Avoid any large demonstrations or rallies, particularly those close to military barracks. Move quickly to a safe place if you see crowds gathering or any signs of disturbances or unrest.

There is a high risk of violence during a general strike (‘ville morte’).

Security situation

Border areas of Guinea are often tense with an increased military presence. Security has improved in Moyenne Guinea but things can still be tense, particularly at big events such as elections.


For assistance or to report a crime in Conakry, call the local police Commissaire on +224 622 86 94 71.  

Vehicle crime

Criminals posing as police or military, armed with military weapons, have robbed drivers and their passengers at gunpoint, particularly at night. Violent carjackings are a threat, especially in the outlying suburbs of Conakry. Reduce the risk of vehicle crime by:

  • getting security advice before travelling by road
  • travelling in convoy
  • using reputable travel operators and taxis, arranged in advance
  • keeping doors locked and windows closed while driving

There are occasional reports of hold-ups and armed robbery on the roads to:

  • Mamou
  • Faranah
  • Kissidougou
  • Guékédou
  • Macenta
  • N’zérékoré

If you plan to arrive in Conakry on a flight after dark, arrange your airport transfer before you travel.

Protecting yourself and your possessions

Break-ins are common, and burglars may be armed. There is also a high level of street crime – mugging, pickpocketing and bag-snatching. Take precautions by:

  • ensuring your accommodation is secure and has security guards
  • taking a pre-arranged taxi if you are changing money or visiting a bank
  • not wearing expensive-looking jewellery or watches and keeping mobiles out of sight
  • avoiding emptier parts of towns and cities
  • not walking alone at night

Scams and extortion

The British Embassy in Conakry is aware of police extorting cash from foreigners and Guineans.

Take particular care if you trade gold and diamonds. This trade attracts criminal gangs and can involve kidnapping and extortion. There are reports of trading scams involving diamonds, gold export and gold certification.


The criminal justice process in Guinea falls below international standards. If you are arrested or detained due process may not be followed and delays should be expected. Pre-trial detention is common and can last for many months.

Local prison conditions are harsh, often without regular food and water. The main prison in Conakry suffers from serious overcrowding.

Laws and cultural differences

Personal ID

Always carry photo ID such as a passport.

Illegal drugs

Do not become involved with illegal drugs of any kind. 

If you commit a drugs crime, you are likely to be prosecuted. There are heavy penalties for those convicted.

Using cameras in secure areas

Photography and filming in many areas is highly restricted. This includes:

  • military bases and checkpoints
  • the President’s residence and offices
  • police and gendarmerie HQs

It’s illegal to photograph or film anything of strategic value such as airports and bridges. Do not photograph military or police installations or government buildings, or you could be arrested.

Individuals may prefer not to be photographed. If in doubt, ask, or do not take pictures.


Credit cards are not widely used in Guinea and obtaining hard currency is very difficult. There are a few ATMs in Conakry that accept foreign cards, but they give only small amounts of currency. They are also unreliable. Banks in Conakry accept international credit cards and exchange money.

Exchanging foreign currency on the street is illegal. Foreign nationals have been arrested and held in military custody for using unofficial money changers even for small amounts, including at the airport.

LGBT+ travellers

Same-sex sexual activity is illegal. Penalties range from 6 months to 3 years in prison and a fine of 500,000 to 1 million Guinean francs.

Same-sex relationships are not widely accepted or understood. Read more advice for LGBT+ travellers.

Precious stones

You need an export licence to take precious stones out of Guinea. Gem smuggling is illegal, and anyone convicted can expect a severe prison sentence. Local prison conditions are harsh.

Transport risks

Road travel

If you are planning to drive in Guinea, see information on driving abroad.

You’ll need to have both the 1949 version of the international driving permit (IDP) and your UK driving licence with you in the car. You cannot buy an IDP outside the UK, so get one before you travel.

Most major hotels and travel agencies offer cars for hire, with a driver if required.

Driving conditions

Road travel can be hazardous, especially during the rainy season from May to October. Roads, even within Conakry and other principal towns, can be flooded and become impassable.   

The standard of road maintenance is low. Many roads are unmetalled and have deep potholes as damage caused during the rainy season goes unrepaired.

Fuel is not always available at petrol stations. Carry an emergency supply on long journeys.

British Embassy staff avoid road travel outside the Conakry region at night. If staff choose to hire transport for personal journeys, they are encouraged to satisfy themselves in advance of the vehicle’s roadworthiness and the driver’s competence. The use of moto-taxis and shared taxis/tuk-tuks is not advised.

Buses and taxis

Taxis and long-distance buses are generally poorly maintained, overcrowded, and the drivers are often unqualified.

Roadblocks and checkpoints

Police and local militia maintain checkpoints across the country. They check vehicle and passenger documentation and baggage. Corruption and extortion are common at roadblocks. Occasionally, checkpoints can be a pretext for armed robbery.

The authorities may close the Guinea-Sierra Leone border at short notice.

Sea travel

There have been reports of piracy attacks against vessels in Guinean territorial waters.