Foreign travel advice


Regional risks

This section has safety advice for regions of Madagascar. It only covers regions where FCDO has specific advice.  

You should also read FCDO’s overall travel advice and safety and security advice.  

Central Madagascar 

In 2022, over 30 people were killed when criminals (often referred to as ‘dahalo’) set fire to buildings in a village in Ankazobe District, north-west of Antananarivo. Armed forces are active in the area. Dahalo have not targeted tourists but you should seek local advice before travelling there. 

Northern Madagascar 

Use an official local guide if you’re visiting the Montagne des Français protected area. Take local advice if visiting beaches as there have been opportunistic attacks on tourists. 

Southern Madagascar 

Violent incidents involving cattle rustlers (‘dahalo’) in southern Madagascar have resulted in fatalities. Tourists have not been targeted, but you should avoid staying in rural areas without security arrangements. Madagascar’s armed forces are active in southern Madagascar. 

In 2021, a large-scale attack on 3 villages in Midongy District resulted in the deaths of 17 civilians and 2 military officers. Other attacks have taken place: 

  • to the north of Fort Dauphin 
  • around the township of Betroka 
  • along the west coast between Belo sur Tsiribihina and Toliara (Tuléar)  
  • in the Commune of Ilakakabe (near Isalo National Park) 

The security situation in the southern triangle between Ihosy, Toliara (Tuléar) and Fort Dauphin remains tense, the risks are greater at night and the roads are in a poor condition. Use a recognised tour operator when travelling in this area. If you are travelling to Fort Dauphin, you should travel by air.

Criminal gangs have attacked vehicles travelling in convoy on the RN7 (between Antananarivo and Toliara (Tuléar).  

Be vigilant when visiting night clubs in Toliara (Tuléar). 

In July 2023, demonstrations in the Lanirano area to the east of Fort Dauphin turned violent with reports of gunfire and injury to civilians

Western Madagascar 

Due to the risk of violent highway robberies, particularly at night, use a recognised tour operator when travelling in the region between Besalampy and Morombe, including the RN35 and RN1 (between Tsiroanomandidy and Maintirano). You should also maintain a high level of vigilance if you travel on the following roads: RN7, RN27, RN10 and RN34.