Foreign travel advice


Safety and security

You should also read FCDO’s overall travel advice.


There is a high threat of terrorist attack globally affecting UK interests and British nationals, including from groups and individuals who view the UK and British nationals as targets. You should remain vigilant at all times.

UK Counter Terrorism Policing has information and advice on staying safe abroad and what to do in the event of a terrorist attack. Find out how to reduce your risk from terrorism while abroad.

Terrorism in Qatar

Terrorist attacks in Qatar can’t be ruled out.

Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places visited by foreigners. You should remain aware of your surroundings, keep up to date with local media reports and follow the advice of local authorities.

Terrorists issue statements threatening to carry out attacks in the Gulf region. These include references to attacks on western interests, including:

  • residential compounds
  • military sites
  • oil
  • transport and aviation interests
  • restaurants
  • hotels
  • beaches
  • shopping centres
  • mosques
  • large demonstrations

Military activity in the Red Sea area       

Military activity is currently underway in response to attempts by Houthi militants to prevent movement of international shipping in the Red Sea. While the area of activity is limited to the Red Sea and Yemen, there is a possibility that Travel Advice for nearby countries could change at short notice. You should continue to monitor Travel Advice and follow any relevant instructions from local authorities.

Political situation

Events in the region, including political developments, have an impact on local public opinion. Be aware of local sensitivities on these issues. Follow news reports and avoid public gatherings and demonstrations. There is the potential for increased tension on Fridays.

If any incidents occur, monitor local media reports and follow the advice of the local authorities.


Crime levels are low, but take sensible precautions to protect yourself and your belongings.

Sexual assault

Female visitors and residents should take care when walking or travelling alone, particularly at night, and should use reputable taxi companies.

Personal attacks, including sexual assault and rape, are relatively rare, but do happen. Sentences can be severe. However, Qatari law places a high burden of proof on the victim to demonstrate that sexual relations were not consensual. If they are determined to have been consensual, the victim or attacker may still face prosecution for the offence of sex outside of marriage.

If you have been sexually assaulted, contact the British Embassy for advice (00 974 4496 2000). You can also read our guidance for victims of rape or sexual assault in Qatar.

Laws and cultural differences

Qatar is an Islamic country. Respect local traditions, customs, laws and religions. Make sure your actions do not cause offence, especially during the holy month of Ramadan or if you intend to visit religious areas. There may be serious penalties for doing something that might not be illegal in the UK but is in Qatar.

Personal ID

You are required by law to carry a physical form of identification at all times.

Dress code

Dress modestly in public, including while driving:

  • women should cover their shoulders and not wear short skirts
  • men and women should not wear shorts or sleeveless tops in government buildings, healthcare facilities or malls - if you do, you may be asked to leave or be denied entry


Ramadan is a holy month for Muslims. The dates vary by year and country. Ramadan in Qatar in 2024 will likely start on 10 March and will last for 30 days. During this time, do not:

  • eat, drink, smoke or chew gum in public in the daytime, including in your car
  • play loud music or dance
  • swear in public

Get more advice when you arrive from your tour guide, hotel or business contacts.

You should also:

  • check opening hours of shops and restaurants
  • be aware that if hotels and restaurants are providing food or drink in fasting hours, they may separate you from Islamic guests, for example with screens
  • follow local dress codes – clothing that doesn’t meet local dress codes may cause more offence at this time
  • be aware that driving may be erratic, particularly when people are trying to get home at dusk
  • be patient and show tolerance

Alcohol laws and bans

Only licensed hotels, restaurants and bars can sell alcohol. Expatriates living in Qatar can get alcohol on a permit system. Don’t carry alcohol around with you (except to take it on the day of collection from the warehouse to your home). The legal drinking age in Qatar is 21. Places serving alcohol will ask for original photo IDs (copies are not accepted) upon entry.

It is illegal to drink alcohol or be drunk in public. For example, if you drink in a non-licenced public place, you could get a prison sentence of up to 6 months or a fine up to 3,000 Qatari riyals.

Relationships outside marriage

Any intimacy in public, between any couples (including between teenagers), can lead to arrest.

Living together while unmarried is illegal in Qatar. Sex outside marriage is illegal for both same-sex and opposite-sex couples. You can be arrested and punishments can include a fine, a custodial sentence and deportation once the sentence is complete.

Because of laws on sex outside marriage, if someone becomes pregnant outside marriage, both partners could face imprisonment or deportation. Doctors will ask for proof of marriage during antenatal checks.

An unmarried woman who gives birth in Qatar may also face problems registering the birth of the child in Qatar, and could be arrested, imprisoned or deported. To get a birth certificate from the Qatari authorities, you must provide a marriage certificate. Authorities may compare the marriage date against the estimated date of conception.


Homosexual behaviour is illegal in Qatar. See our information and advice page for the LGBT+ community before you travel.


Organisers of protests need to get permission from the Ministry of Interior. This must be done in advance and cannot be spontaneous.

Swearing and rude gestures

Swearing and making rude gestures are considered obscene acts. You can be jailed or deported. Take particular care when dealing with police and other officials.

Smoking and e-cigarette bans

Smoking is prohibited in all closed public spaces including educational institutions, healthcare facilities, public transport, malls, restaurants and government buildings.

It is illegal to vape/use an e-cigarette or import vapes into the country. You can be arrested and punishments can include a fine, a custodial sentence or deportation.

Illegal drugs and prison sentences

There is zero tolerance for drugs-related offences in Qatar, including some medications which are legal in other countries, but illegal in Qatar. See bringing medication into Qatar

Penalties for using, trafficking, smuggling and possessing drugs (even residual amounts) are severe. Punishment can include lengthy custodial sentences, heavy fines and deportation.

Using cameras and binoculars

Be aware of cultural sensitivities when filming or photographing people as taking pictures of people without their consent can cause offense.

Some visitors attempting to film or photograph near religious, military, government or construction sites have been arrested. If in doubt, seek permission.

Journalistic activity

Journalists must get permission from the Qatar News Agency (QNA) to film or photograph as part of their work and enter the country on a visiting press permit. This permit allows you to take technical equipment like cameras through airport customs.

Social media

There are strict privacy laws in Qatar. Posting material (including videos and photographs) online that appear to insult, slander or are culturally insensitive, may be considered a crime. Individuals have been detained, prosecuted and convicted for posting this type of material.

Financial crimes

Financial crimes include:

  • fraud
  • giving somebody a cheque which bounces (including post-dated and ‘security’ cheques)
  • non-payment of bills (for example hotel bills or car hire)

You may also be liable for cheques that you have signed on behalf of a company.

Financial crimes can be punished with:

  • imprisonment
  • fines
  • deportation
  • freezing bank accounts and other assets

If you have unpaid loans or financial commitments you won’t be able to cancel your residence permit, and may be prevented from leaving Qatar, including to go on holiday. All debts should be settled in full before you leave the country. Ask your bank for a certificate to confirm you have no outstanding debt once you have cleared the balance.

If you have sponsorship, it may be blocked, which will prevent you from transferring to a new sponsor (employer). Any end of service benefits you may be entitled to could be used to offset the outstanding debt.


If you are found guilty of an offence, you may be deported. This can happen whether or not the judgement included deportation. This may affect your ability to return to Qatar.

Transport risks

Licences and permits

Get a 1968 International Driving Permit (IDP) if you plan to drive on your UK licence. You cannot buy an IDP outside the UK, so get one before you travel.

You can drive in Qatar with a valid UK driving licence for up to 6 months with a valid IDP.

Driving in Qatar

The driver and front seat passenger must wear a seat belt at all times. It is illegal to use a mobile phone while driving, and you could be fined 500 Qatari riyals.

Flashing your lights in Qatar can mean a driver is coming through, rather than giving way.

It’s illegal to drink and drive, and there is zero tolerance for it. Driving under the influence of alcohol is punishable by a custodial sentence of between one month and 3 years, a fine of 10,000 to 50,000 Qatari riyals, or both. Offenders may also be deported.

Even minor expressions of ‘road rage’ like rude gestures can attract significant penalties. You may be:

  • fined
  • imprisoned
  • deported
  • banned from leaving the country until your case has been resolved – serious cases may take up to 6 months to be heard

Check the Metrash2 app before trying to leave the country, which lists any outstanding traffic violations. If you have an outstanding violation, you could be detained at immigration and denied onward travel. Fines for all violations should be settled in full before you travel.

Road safety

Road discipline is very poor; speeds are high and accidents are common. If you have an accident, stay with your vehicle until the police arrive and tell you that you can leave. It’s illegal to leave the scene of the accident, but if no one has been injured and it’s safe to do so, you can move your vehicle to a safer place. You’ll need to get a police report for insurance purposes. Accident investigation processes and punishments for violations may be different to the UK.

Excursions to the desert can be hazardous unless in a properly-equipped 4x4 vehicle. You should:

  • travel in convoy with other cars
  • take a supply of water and a mobile telephone
  • leave travel plans with friends or relatives

Transport safety

Don’t accept lifts from strangers. Use only licensed taxis or other recognised forms of public transport. If using apps, check licence plates and confirm with drivers the passenger name. Let someone know you are on the way home and the registration details of the car.

Sea travel

Take care when travelling by dhow. The safety of these vessels may not be up to UK standards. Make sure life jackets are available.

Many areas of the Gulf are highly sensitive, including near maritime boundaries and the islands of Abu Musa and the Tunbs in the southern Gulf. Vessels entering these areas have been detained and inspected, and there have been occasional arrests. Make careful enquiries before entering these waters or visiting ports.

Regional tensions may also affect your route. Vessels operating in the Gulf of Oman, Northern Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden and Bab El Mandeb regions may be at increased risk of maritime attack.