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Search the register

HM Land Registry holds records about most property or land sold in England or Wales since 1993, including the title register, title plan and title summary.

Search the online register

Search the register by address or location.

If a property does not appear in a search, it may be filed under the wrong address. Ask for a search of the index map instead.

Title register

The title register has details about the property or land (in a PDF). It includes:

  • the title number
  • who owns it
  • what they paid for it (properties only, if available)
  • any rights of way
  • whether a mortgage on it has been ‘discharged’, for example paid off

Title summary

The title summary (viewable online) includes:

  • the title number
  • who owns it
  • what they paid for it
  • whether the property is freehold or leasehold (known as ‘tenure’)
  • the lender’s name and address (if there is a mortgage on the property)

The lease will have more information if the property is a leasehold.

Title plan

The title plan is a map showing:

Buy copies of the information

You can download online copies of the information for a fee but you cannot use them as proof of ownership.

To get copies to use as proof of ownership (for example, in a court case) order official copies.

Ordering official copies

Download and fill in an application for official copies of documents and send it to HM Land Registry with your fee.

HM Land Registry
Citizen Centre
PO Box 7806

Your copies will arrive in less than a week.


Document Fee
Title register (online copy) £7
Title plan (online copy) £7
Title register (official copy) £11
Title plan (official copy) £11

Rights over adjoining land and property boundaries

The title register may give you details about rights over adjoining land. Apply for a copy of the deeds if you need more information.

Title plans only give general boundary information. There’s usually no record of exact boundaries.

Get historical title registers

You may be able to find out who owned the property before the current owner from a historical title register. It can also be useful if you’re trying to find out how old a property is.

Ask HM Land Registry to search who owned the property for a specific date or multiple dates.

For properties registered before 1993

Contact HM Land Registry with the:

  • title number or address of the property
  • date or dates you’re applying for

They’ll search their records and tell you if they have a copy, and how to apply for it.

For properties registered after 1993

Download and fill in form HC1. Send the form to HM Land Registry along with £7 for each date you’re applying for.

HM Land Registry
Citizen Centre
PO Box 7806

The results of your search will arrive in less than a week.

If you do not know the date you’re searching for, contact HM Land Registry.