Work in the UK as a researcher or academic leader (Global Talent visa)

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Individual fellowship

You can get fast track endorsement if you have held an eligible fellowship in the last 5 years. The fellowship needs to be approved by the following:

  • Royal Society, for science and medicine
  • British Academy, for humanities
  • Royal Academy of Engineering

Check if your fellowship is eligible.

You can apply as either a:

  • leader in your field (called ‘exceptional talent’)
  • potential leader in your field (called ‘exceptional promise’)

Which one you are depends on the fellowship you have.

If your fellowship is not listed or you have another type of grant, you may be able to get endorsement from UK Research and Innovation.

Apply for endorsement

You need to provide a copy of your fellowship award letter.

Once you have the letter, you can apply for endorsement.

To complete the form, you need to check which endorsing body approves your discipline.

You’ll usually get a decision on your application within 1 week.

Apply for the Global Talent visa

You can apply for the Global Talent visa at the same time as you apply for endorsement, or after you have the endorsement confirmed.

If your permission to stay in the UK is about to expire, applying for the visa will extend it until you’ve been given a decision.

You’ll get a response within 3 weeks if you’re outside the UK, and 8 weeks if you’re inside the UK.