Capacity Market: consumer-led flexibility
Call for evidence description
This call for evidence builds on the October 2023 Capacity Market Phase 2 Call for Evidence and engagement that followed. We are seeking views and evidence from stakeholders on a range of topics relating to consumer-led flexibility, delivered via Demand Side Response (DSR) mechanisms in the Capacity Market, such as:
- Generating Technology Classes for DSR technologies
- new de-rating factors for those technologies
- management of aggregated DSR portfolios
- improving Baselining Methodologies
- introducing completion milestones for new DSR entering the CM
This call for evidence may be of interest to:
- Capacity Market Participants
- energy suppliers and DSR providers
- trade bodies
- consumer groups
- Capacity Market delivery partners
This call for evidence is being published alongside a consultation which presents proposals to modernise Capacity Market Rules and improve participation and delivery assurance of consumer-led flexibility.
We encourage respondents to review both the consultation and the call for evidence in tandem, and respond to both using the online response form.
Read our consultation privacy notice.