Contracts for Difference (CfD): call for evidence on proposed amendments to supply chain plans
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The government response outlines the government’s approach to keep further changes to Supply Chain Plan policy under review.
The consultation asked for views on the following:
- penalties for failure of supply chain plan commitments
- negotiating supply chain plans
- changing the supply chain plan 300MW threshold
- ways to further improve the supply chain plan process
The government will not be making changes to the threshold of Supply Chain Plans or introducing negotiated Supply Chain Plans at this stage. The proposal to introduce a graduated penalty system will remain in scope and the responses to this proposal will inform the longer-term thinking being done on Allocation Round 7 onwards.
See the CfD AR5 Supply Chain Plan guidance and questionnaires.
We received 26 responses from a variety of stakeholders, including:
- developers
- suppliers
- trade associations
- consultancies
- county councils
Original call for evidence
Call for evidence description
This call for evidence runs alongside a related consultation (closing on 15 March) and seeks views and evidence on the potential for more significant changes to supply chain plans which could enhance their impact for future allocation rounds.
We are seeking views on:
- penalties for failure of supply chain plan commitments
- negotiating supply chain plans
- changing the supply chain plan 300MW threshold
- ways to further improve the supply chain plan process
We welcome responses from anyone but expect it to be of particular interest to:
- those considering developing new low carbon energy projects in Great Britain (GB)
- businesses involved in low carbon electricity generation supply chains
- electricity traders and suppliers
- businesses operating in the bioenergy sector
- consumer and environmental groups with an interest in the electricity sector
See the BEIS consultation privacy notice.