MedCo Framework Review: call for evidence
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The Call for Evidence closed on 4 September 2015 with a total of 93 responses received from insurers, claimant and defendant solicitors, medical experts, MROs, physiotherapists, trade unions and alternative business structures.
The outcome of the consultation was issued to stakeholders on 24 March 2016 to provide an update on MOJ’s review of MedCo.
One of the issues raised with MOJ was that a definition was needed of a Medical Reporting Organisation.
The survey had been issued asking for views on a draft definition.
The survey ran until 5pm on Friday 15 April 2016.
Revised criteria October 2016
Following on from the publication of the MedCo review outcomes on 29 March, the MoJ published on 25 October 2016 a revised set of Qualifying Criteria for MROs. The revised criteria have been amended to provide greater clarity, and now include a definition of an MRO to demonstrate the types of MRO model acceptable for the purposes of providing medical reports via the MedCo system.
Under the definition, organisations set up purely as a ‘shell’ to gather instructions and forward them on to a ‘parent’ or other related organisation are not allowed. For information, the new criteria applies:
- immediately for all new MROs registering on MedCo and for any MROs applying to be reclassified as a high volume national MRO;
- from 8 November 2016 for all existing shell companies; and
- for all other MROs the criteria will be implemented 3 months following the publication of the new criteria.
In March 2016, the Ministry of Justice announced a new offer for MedCo search results. This new offer of two high volume national and ten regional based MROs will also be implemented on 8 November 2016.
Further guidance on the interpretation and application of these criteria will be published on the MedCo website.
Original call for evidence
Call for evidence description
In response to widespread concerns about the high number of whiplash claims and the impact they have on the price of motor insurance premiums, the Government has recently introduced an independent IT Portal for the sourcing of initial medical reports used in whiplash claims. The new portal is operated by MedCo Registration Solutions Limited (MedCo) an independent, industry led, not-for-profit company.
The Government committed to undertake a review of the Portal once 6 months worth of useable data were available. However, since it went live on 6 April 2015, issues relating to the behaviours of organisations within this sector have emerged which have the potential to undermine the Government’s policy objectives and public confidence in the MedCo Portal.
Therefore, the Government is bringing its planned review forward and all stakeholders in the personal injury sector are invited to participate in a public call for evidence. The review will specifically seek evidence on whether the MedCo Portal meets the Government’s objectives, and responses will be analysed to identify whether changes need to be made to the Portal or to the framework of rules underpinning it. A report with recommendations for action - if required - will be published in the autumn.
Updates to this page
Published 16 July 2015Last updated 25 October 2016 + show all updates
Qualifying criteria for medical reporting organisations registered with MedCo updated.
Outcomes and further survey published.
First published.