National Resilience Strategy: Call for Evidence
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The Government has now analysed the responses to the Call for Evidence. The key points and themes have been drawn out to support policy development by officials.
This publication summarises the Government response to the Resilience Strategy Call for Evidence and provides key statistics on responses received.
Original call for evidence
Call for evidence description
This Call for Evidence seeks public views to inform the development of a new National Resilience Strategy that will outline an ambitious new vision for our national resilience. It seeks to understand current perceptions of risk and resilience, gather evidence on where improvements could be made, and gauge the UK’s appetite for change. Views are welcome from anyone with an interest in the subject.
The Covid-19 pandemic and other recent crises have stretched governments around the world. This has demonstrated the importance of a resilient society with well developed plans and capabilities, along with flexible response structures that can adapt and respond to the unexpected. We know there will be more major challenges in the future. We need a National Resilience Strategy to help us prepare for these challenges.
The Call for Evidence asks questions around six themes:
Risk and Resilience: Strengthening our ability to manage an evolving risk landscape depends on improving our ability to both predict and adapt to identified and unexpected challenges.
Responsibilities and Accountability: It is fundamentally important that all those involved in building resilience have a clear understanding of when, where and how to apply tools, processes and relationships effectively.
Partnerships: Resilience is not solely a government or public sector responsibility. Other parts of society play an essential role in building our collective resilience.
Community: A whole-of-society approach will be central to strengthening the UK’s resilience, with a revived effort to inform and empower all parts of society who can make a contribution.
Investment: The challenge of where to place investment in the risk cycle is one that affects the public and private sectors alike. As government, individuals and businesses, we face choices around what, and how much, to invest.
Resilience in an Interconnected World: UK resilience is closely entwined with the wider global context. Challenges and opportunities are frequently experienced on a global scale.
Also included in the Call for Evidence are specific questions on the Civil Contingencies Act. This Act provides a legislative framework for emergency management and response in the UK. Evidence gathered in this section will help to inform the scheduled review of the Act which is due to be completed by March 2022.
The consultation will run for a period of eleven weeks and is complemented by a series of wider engagement events with relevant stakeholders and target groups. It closes on 27 September 2021.
Ways to respond
If you have a query about this consultation, please email: