Call for evidence outcome

Review of park homes legislation: call for evidence part 1

Applies to England

This call for evidence has closed

Read the full outcome

Review of park homes legislation: government response

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Review of park homes legislation: call for evidence part 1 - summary of responses

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Detail of outcome

The document sets out the government’s response to the two part review of park homes legislation.

It sets out proposals to strengthen the existing legislation to:

  • improve residents’ rights
  • give local authorities more enforcement powers to tackle rogue site owners
  • work with the sector to raise awareness of rights and responsibilities of residents
  • develop and disseminate best practice amongst local authorities.

Summary of responses to part 1 of the call for evidence.

Original call for evidence


This call for evidence seeks views about practices in the park homes sector.

This call for evidence ran from

Call for evidence description

The Mobile Homes Act 2013 made significant changes to the law on park homes. The government gave a commitment to review this in 2017.

The review, which calls for evidence about practices in the sector and the effectiveness of legislation, is in 2 parts.

Part 1 of the review is a call for evidence on the fairness of charges, the transparency of site ownership and on experience of harassment.

Part 2 of the review, published in November 2017, is a call for evidence on how effective local authority licensing has been, how well the procedures for selling mobile homes, making site rules and pitch fee reviews are working and whether ‘fit and proper’ controls need to be applied in the sector.


Review of park homes legislation: call for evidence - part 1

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Published 12 April 2017
Last updated 22 October 2018 + show all updates
  1. Added government response.

  2. Added summary of responses.

  3. First published.