Rural planning review: call for evidence
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The rural planning review call for evidence sought views on how the planning system was operating in rural areas and invited ideas about how the planning system could be improved to support sustainable rural life and businesses.
This publication provides a summary of the responses to the rural planning review call for evidence and sets out the government response.
It also seeks views on extending the thresholds for agricultural permitted development rights to help farmers, and on a new agricultural to residential permitted development right to help provide housing for rural workers.
Respond online to questions 39 and 40 in the Fixing our broken housing market consultation.
This consultation closes on 2 May 2017.
Original call for evidence
Call for evidence description
The rural productivity plan committed the government to review the planning constraints on rural businesses and to review the use of agricultural buildings for residential purposes. The rural planning review takes forward these commitments.
The call for evidence provides the opportunity for those with an interest in rural areas, especially farmers and other businesses operating in rural areas, to tell us how the planning system is working in rural areas and how it could be improved.