Short Selling Regulation: Call for Evidence
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Detail of outcome
This document summarises responses received to the Call for Evidence on the Short Selling Regulation (SSR). It sets out the next steps for replacing the SSR with a UK-tailored regulatory regime for short selling, including key changes to short selling disclosure requirements.
Original call for evidence
Call for evidence description
The Short Selling Regulation regulates the short selling of shares listed on UK markets and includes provisions on disclosure to the FCA and the public, a ban on naked short selling, and emergency powers for the FCA.
This regulation was introduced by the European Union (EU) and was brought onto the UK statute book following our exit from the EU. In implementing the outcomes of the FRF the Government will repeal this regulation and replace it with a regulatory regime tailored to UK markets, supporting market integrity and bolstering the competitiveness of UK financial markets.
This Call for Evidence is the first step in the government’s review of short selling as part of its programme to repeal retained EU law in financial services and replace it with a regulatory framework tailored to the UK. It seeks views on the current functioning of the regulation, and how it might be better tailored to UK markets.