Use of general licences for the management of certain wild birds: a call for evidence
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Defra received over 4,000 responses to the call for evidence. 36 local and national organisations responded, including conservation, animal welfare, pest control, farming, game keeping and land management organisations.
The Secretary of State has decided to issue time-limited licences based on:
- information gathered through this call for evidence
- other relevant evidence, including statutory advice from Natural England
Defra will lead a further review later this year, working closely with Natural England. This will:
- include an initial public consultation which we intend to launch in the summer
- give users an opportunity to engage once again by submitting any further evidence they would like considered
Original call for evidence
Call for evidence description
We are seeking views from all concerned parties about the impact of the recent withdrawal of the three general licences (GL04, GL05 and GL06) on 25 April 2019. In particular we want a clear understanding of the implications for the protection of wild birds, and the impacts on crops, livestock, wildlife, disease, human health and safety and wider nature conservation efforts.
The evidence gathered from this, along with the information that Defra and Natural England have already received since 25 April, will inform our future approach in order to get back to a satisfactory situation.
The closing date for providing views and evidence is 5pm on Monday 13 May 2019.