Community libraries in Warwickshire
An overview of community libraries, from the perspective of the library service

One of Warwickshire's community libraries: Harbury. Photo credit: Julia Chandler/Libraries Taskforce
In Warwickshire, the library service was part-way through a major transformation programme when, in early 2011, budget cuts were announced. The savings target was over £2 million and the service could no longer afford to run its 34 libraries. Data indicated that 90% of all library visits were to 18 of the 34 libraries. A needs analysis was carried out which looked at:
- performance analysis for all libraries
- population data
- equality impact assessments for each community whose library was under threat (the 16 libraries with significantly lower use)
- local knowledge and research
Warwickshire then published the results of the needs analysis.
Sixteen libraries were designated as ‘no longer sustainable in their present form’ and as a result, local communities were encouraged to work with the council to find ways of keeping them open. Fourteen community-managed libraries were established between January and June 2012, mainly in rural areas. The busier, predominantly urban, libraries were retained.
Warwickshire engaged with communities in a variety of ways with:
- 25 meetings and 41 roadshows
- 5,000 questionnaires returned
- 500 letters and emails received
- 15 petitions totalling 10,000 signatures
- 2,850 visits to the consultation blog
- 56,190 followers on twitter
- Consultation Institute involved
Local authority support
In order to help communities take over the running of libraries, the local authority:
- made set up funding available
- set up special meetings and workshops
- provided dedicated support to assist in developing a business case
- published clear assessment criteria and guidance notes
- extended the business case submission deadline
Practical support and technical issues
This was the first time that Warwickshire had handed over libraries to the community and it was operating to a tight timescale. A pilot transfer in January 2012 showed that additional support was needed for volunteers after the initial handover as well as access to a simplified version of the Library Management System.
Ongoing support from the local authority
Warwickshire provided ongoing support to the community libraries by providing:
- training for volunteers
- a procedures manual and telephone helpline
- access to a computerised library system
- technical support
- stock selection, supply and delivery
- the same level of new stock as before
- access to full county library catalogue
- quarterly library officer visits
- annual review
- extra time-limited support and dedicated telephone helpline
- further basic training for volunteers at each community library
- help with marketing and volunteer recruitment
- new software to assist the transfer of stock between libraries
- investment in new stock for community managed libraries
- newsletter launched as a channel for communication
- network meetings for updates, training and good practice
- delegation of associated workload to less senior library staff
The 12 community-led libraries are still operating and they continue to receive stock and professional support. Collectively, community libraries account for 3% of library loans county wide and the council is committed to funding for ongoing support. New management models are emerging and the library service has been able to save £230,000 from the budget. The council has been able to derive an income from sales of library buildings and reduced property costs.
Lessons learnt
A number of points need to be taken into consideration:
- recruiting and keeping volunteers
- training and support
- customer privacy and data protection
- control and responsibility
- library staff workload
- there isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ approach
- localised services and community value
Currently, the library network has been reshaped and there are 12 community-led libraries and one library run by another service. The workforce has been restructured and the savings targets achieved with library closures avoided.
For further information: Warwickshire County Council libraries website