DESG Graduate Scheme: Ryan
Case study of a computer science graduate on the MOD Defence Engineering and Science Group (DESG) Graduate Scheme.

After graduating from university and returning from my travels, I spent a significant amount of time contemplating my next career move and considering the various paths to go down. Eager to make the right decision I looked at the many of the graduate schemes available within my chosen field, encompassing a large number of the top UK employers.
During my search I encountered the DESG Graduate Scheme and was particularly impressed with how focused it was on developing you as an individual, as well as your technical skills and competence. This included the sheer amount of time, effort and resources dedicated in doing so. I was also impressed by the accelerated route to professional registration and chartership, which is something I hadn’t previously considered.
Over the past 2 years I have never regretted my decision to join the scheme and the work I have been involved in has really made it feel like I’ve made a difference. The development opportunities provided have also been exceptional, allowing me the freedom to choose my own work placements in various locations across the UK; something which is only possible due the large size of MOD as an organisation.
Whilst on the scheme you undertake a Graduate Discussion Group (GDG), where a number of graduates from various disciplines investigate, report and present on a MOD related subject. The topic we were given was ‘The future of guided weapons for the UK armed forces’, which provided an interesting insight into an area outside of my chosen field and a good opportunity to work with other graduates.
As part of the GDG process I have been able to see other areas of the MOD and industry that would have otherwise been impossible. Particular highlights have included visiting the MOD’s cyber defensive suite, MBDA missile systems and spending a day with 43 Commando in Scotland.
My work has also taken me on several navy vessels including T23s, T45s and Albion class amphibious warfare ships. I’d fully recommend the DESG Graduate Scheme to anyone looking for an interesting and varied career!