Case study

How the Civil Service Induction expanded my vision for the future

Department for Work and Pensions administrative officer Connor Coleman shares how the Civil Service Induction helped him gain fresh insights.

Connor Coleman, DWP

Before joining the Civil Service, Connor was unemployed, having regular check-ins with a work coach at a young adults employment hub in Southampton. Through this, he was invited to complete a month-long work experience there.

“I really enjoyed my time there, and once I had completed the work experience, I was encouraged by my work coach to keep an eye out for Civil Service job openings.” When a position became available for a front-of-house administrative officer at DWP’s Southampton branch, Connor applied and was thrilled to be offered the role. 

“Once someone sets up a claim, I am usually one of the first people they meet when they come into the branch. I encounter people from all walks of life and am really enjoying the role.”

Signing up to the Civil Service Induction

Within his first few weeks, Connor was signposted to the Civil Service Induction.

 “I really enjoyed the Induction. Even though it was all virtual, it felt like a warm welcome. Facilitators and other new starters would leave comments in real time, so even though I didn’t see anyone, it didn’t feel lonely.” 

Building knowledge and career insight

The Induction included an operational delivery case study that directly related to his new role. “There were also less relevant, but equally interesting, sections, like understanding Parliament and the role of ministers which I found useful to get a sense of the bigger picture.”

Learning about the Civil Service’s future plans sparked Connor’s interest in his own career progression. “It definitely got me thinking about where I’d like to be in five years and how I want to develop.” 

  • The Civil Service Induction is designed for new starters and existing civil servants looking for a refresher. Over 30,000 civil servants have already taken advantage of this opportunity. Sign up for the Civil Service Induction here.

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Published 17 September 2024