Case study

Levelling up travel in Northolt with over £7 million funding

Over £7 million from the Levelling Up Fund will improve the A312 and Kensington Road corridors in West London.

Creating a better space for all road users

People using the streets along these two corridors will see significant improvements including:

  • new cycle storage and segregated cycling facilities along Kensington Road
  • new crossings at White Hart Roundabout and along Kensington Road
  • designated cycle routes and mixed-use pavements
  • new street furniture and increased greenery
  • a new bus stop on Mandeville Road
  • bus stop improvements
  • better lighting

These changes will improve Northolt by:

  • providing better connections between the station and the new commercial centre at White Hart Roundabout
  • making the area safer for pedestrians
  • improving the area’s appearance
  • supporting active travel
  • improving road safety
  • improving air quality
  • easing congestion

Resident feedback

Residents are supportive of the plans. Comments include:

Northolt is very traffic dominated. Need to give back to pedestrians. More green spaces. Bring back the village!

Creating an identity for Northolt that reflects and enhances its historical context.  A safe and welcoming place that provides for local people and visitor needs.

Find out more about levelling up.

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Published 17 January 2023