Case study

NHS Digital save 20% on office supplies

The Crown Commercial Service framework for office supplies has helped NHS Digital save 20%.

Office Supplies on a Table

The requirement

NHS Digital was looking to agree a new contract for the provision of stationery, paper and associated office supplies, plus the secure recycling and destruction of confidential waste paper and data storage devices. With its existing contract due to expire, it was looking for a new solution that would help save money. NHS Digital identified the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Office Supplies for the Wider Public Sector (RM3703) framework as the best route to market for its needs.

The solution

NHS Digital decided to run a further competition under the framework using a reverse eAuction, an electronic platform which can support the pricing evaluation of a customer’s further competition process, to help them achieve the best possible overall price for their product requirements.

While the Invitation to Tender (ITT) and management of the tender process remained the responsibility of NHS Digital, we provided general guidance on the process and advised them on specific wording regarding eAuctions in its tender documentation. We also ran a training session for the interested suppliers and coordinated the eAuction on the day, which reduced the level of administration NHS Digital had to deal with.

The results

NHS Digital went to market for a basket of goods, for which it was currently paying £62,000 per annum. Following the eAuction, the same basket of goods was secured for an overall cost of £49,900. This represents a 20% saving.

Get involved

To find out more about the Office Supplies for the Wider Public Sector framework and how you can make significant savings:

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Published 2 August 2017