Out of Syria, back into school
Step into the lives of 2 teenagers from war-torn Syria in this 360° video story.

Part of Supporting Syria and the Region
360° video: Out of Syria, back into school
Look around you: this 360-degree, immersive video introduces you to the real-life stories of Mustafa and Sarah.
They both fled the fighting in Syria with their families. They left their homelands - and their schools - behind.
Now they live in Lebanon, but while Sarah is back in school with the help of UK aid, Mustafa is helping to support his family.
Around 500,000 Syrian refugee children live in Lebanon - forced to flee the crisis in their homeland, and to leave their school behind.
In the last year alone, more than 200,000 were brought back into school – thanks to a Lebanese government enrolment programme, backed by UK aid and UNICEF.
Video: Meet Ahmed and Sarah
Out of Syria, but back into school: Meet Ahmed and Sarah
Video: Meet Chouk, learning again in Lebanon
There is much more to be done: we’re aiming to help get all Syrian refugee children and vulnerable host community children back into education by the end of the 2016-17 academic year - to avoid a lost generation. See how: https://www.supportingsyria2016.com
Find out more
- News: Justine Greening - No Syrian child should miss out on an education
- International pledges: Outcomes of the Supporting Syria conference
- Factsheet: The UK’s humanitarian aid response to the Syria crisis
- Photography: Adam Patterson/Panos/DFID
- 360 image processing: Jennifer Holland and Google Expeditions
- Writer / director: Simon Davis
- VR Video / audio production: Simon Davis / Ricci Coughlan
- Commissioning editor: Russell Watkins
- Executive producer: Marisol Grandon
- Voiceover: James Helm