Case study

Redeveloping Portrush Recreation Grounds with £1.6 million funding

The Levelling Up Fund has awarded over £1.6 million for the redevelopment of Portrush Recreation Grounds. This investment has brought facilities back into use for the local community.

The site on the Ramore headland in Portrush is a key destination for visitors to Northern Ireland’s north coast.

Over the last 100 years, the area has provided the community and visitors with:

  • sports facilities
  • recreation
  • leisure

Before the project was completed, it had become an eyesore. There were parts of the land which were:

  • closed off to the public for much of the year
  • underused

The funding to improve its appearance has encouraged more people to use and enjoy the site.

The new recreation ground includes:

  • a Changing Places accessible toilet
  • refreshed street furniture
  • an adventure play park
  • a large event space
  • a bowling green
  • a new pavilion
  • new trees

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Published 17 January 2023