Using video lessons
A multi-academy trust (MAT) of alternative provision schools shares its approach.

Since the school closures, our schools have gone online wherever possible. Some staff members have made the decision to create and provide virtual lessons to pupils via YouTube.
Every other day a video goes live on YouTube. The video features staff explaining a topic to learners and getting them to pause the video and complete tasks such as questions, fill in the blanks, or research activities.
Some learners won’t be able to join a live Microsoft Teams lesson, due to other siblings or parents using the laptop, so this means they never miss out. They can complete the YouTube lesson whenever it is convenient for them.
This format allows pupils to have teacher interaction or correction of any work set in the lesson. YouTube can be played on mobile devices, games consoles as well as laptops, so it is extremely accessible.
We are not asking our pupils to download or learn to use any new software as this is already familiar to them.
The Department for Education gathered these examples of remote education practice by consulting with schools and colleges across England. Names of individuals and schools have been removed to protect their privacy.