Legacy AS and A levels: requirements and guidance
Rules, regulations and guidance for legacy AS and A levels.
This collection sets out rules, regulations and guidance for all legacy (pre-reform) AS and A levels.
You should also read the requirements for all awarding organisations and qualifications.
There are separate requirements for the reformed AS and A levels that are being introduced from September 2015.
All legacy AS and A levels
Applied engineering
Applied Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Applied health and social care
Applied leisure studies
Applied media: communication and production
Applied science
Applied travel and tourism
Citizenship studies
Design and technology
Drama and theatre studies
General studies
Government and politics
Home economics
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Media studies
Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)
Music and music technology
Legacy AS and A levels are no longer available in biology, chemistry and physics
Updates to this page
We have withdrawn rules for legacy qualifications reformed for first teaching in September 2016
Updated following withdrawal of rules for legacy AS and A levels that are no longer available.
Added criteria for legacy AS and A levels in English language, which were previously omitted in error.
Updated following introduction of our new rules for enquiries and appeals, which replace the GCSE, GCE, principal learning and project code of practice
Added new qualification-level guidance
Added rules covering re-sit arrangements following the last scheduled sitting of legacy AS and A levels
First published.