
AAA screening quality assurance: local visit reports

Executive summaries from local screening quality assurance (QA) visit reports of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening services, including recommendations.

The screening quality assurance service (SQAS) is committed to publishing the executive summaries of all QA visit reports.

Please contact the relevant screening quality assurance service (SQAS) regional team if you cannot see the executive summary you are looking for.


Midlands and East



Updates to this page

Published 7 September 2018
Last updated 31 August 2020 show all updates
  1. Added Cheshire and Merseyside: abdominal aortic aneurysm screening.

  2. Added reports for Leicestershire, North London, South Devon and Exeter, Gloucestershire and Swindon, north-east and north Cumbria.

  3. Added reports for North East and Cumbria and west Hertfordshire.

  4. Moved Dorset from midlands and east to south region.

  5. Added reports for Derby, and Norfolk and Waveney.

  6. Added reports for Lancashire and South Cumbria.

  7. Added Cambridgeshire university report.

  8. Added local visit report for Coventry and Warwickshire abdominal aortic aneurysm screening service.

  9. Added reports for Dorset and Wiltshire.

  10. Updated page with reports for Essex, Sussex, South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw.

  11. First published.