
Affordable housing supply

This collection brings together all documents relating to affordable housing supply.

Affordable housing, which can be for either rent or sale, is for those whose needs are not met by the market. It includes different tenures, including social rent, affordable rent and shared ownership, among others. It can be a new-build property or a private sector property that has been purchased for use as an affordable home.

Affordable housing supply in England

We publish statistics on new affordable housing supply in England and the statistical bulletin series is presented below. These statistics are published annually usually between November and December, and the data and live tables has scheduled revisions usually in June.

These show the gross annual supply of affordable homes, which includes new build and acquisitions from the private sector but does not take account of losses, such as demolitions or sales.

Homes England affordable housing statistics

Information on the number of affordable homes delivered under the Homes England affordable housing programmes is also published twice a year, normally in June and November.

The objective of the Homes England statistics is to report on affordable housing delivered through its programmes, while MHCLG’s statistics aim to provide a complete picture on affordable housing delivered, irrespective of funding mechanism. While delivery through Homes England accounts for the majority of affordable housing supply, the scope of the statistics reported is wider than the Homes England figures.

GLA affordable housing statistics

From April 2012, the Mayor of London has had strategic oversight of housing, regeneration and economic development in London. This means that Homes England no longer publish affordable housing starts and completions for London and this responsibility has been taken over by the Greater London Authority (GLA).

Combined Homes England and GLA affordable housing statistics

MHCLG combines data from Homes England and the GLA to publish 6-monthly affordable housing starts and completions delivered nationally under the affordable housing programmes of Homes England and GLA. These statistics are published in live table 1012.


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Affordable housing supply

Live tables

Updates to this page

Published 11 June 2013
Last updated 21 November 2024 show all updates
  1. Added Affordable housing supply in England: 2023 to 2024.

  2. Added Affordable housing supply in England: 2022 to 2023.

  3. Added Affordable housing supply in England: 2021 to 2022.

  4. Added Affordable housing supply in England: 2020 to 2021.

  5. Added Affordable housing supply in England: 2019 to 2020

  6. Added Affordable housing supply in England: 2018 to 2019.

  7. Added Affordable housing supply in England: 2017 to 2018.

  8. Added Affordable housing starts and completions: April to September 2014.

  9. Added 'Affordable housing starts and completions: April 2013 to March 2014'.

  10. Added 'Affordable housing starts and completions: April to September 2013' and 'Affordable housing supply in England: 2012 to 2013'.

  11. First published.