Agri-environment analysis
Series of reports looking at farming practices and the impact on the environment.
This series includes published reports of analysis and research by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and external organisations aimed at monitoring and improving understanding of changes in farming patterns and practices and how they may impact on the environment. The reports are grouped by topic.
- recent changes in the area of sugar beet in England (August 2010)
- arable case study – environmental implications (September 2008)
- quantitative approaches to assessment of farm level change (January 2007)
- understanding behaviours in a farming context (November 2008)
Countryside survey
- countryside survey 2007 and links to agriculture (September 2008)
Cross compliance
- evaluation of cross compliance conditions in England (March 2009)
Economic and environmental performance
- the impact of grants on farm economic performance (February 2014)
- characteristics of high performing cereal farms in England] (July2020)
- characteristics of high performing dairy farms in England (July 2020)
- characteristics of high performing livestock graazing farms in England (July 2020)
Environmental monitoring (Indicators)
- local studies of agriculture and environment: the potential for a barometer agricultural area approach (November 2010)
- agri-environment indicators (Updated as new data become available)
- environmental monitoring baseline project (January 2007)
Environmental outcomes
- evaluation of the environmental impacts of 2003 CAP reforms and likely implications of the 2008 health check in England, full paper, summary or note (March 2012)
- impacts of changes in the wider economy on agriculture and the agri-environment (August 2010)
- assessment of implications of recent farm level changes on environmental outcomes – update (February 2008)
- assessment of implications of recent farm level changes on environmental outcomes (January 2007)
- environmental implications of the 2003 CAP reforms in England – synthesis report (January 2007)
- changes in the area of grassland in England, full paper or summary (May 2010)
Historical data
- historic June data project – stage 2, full paper or summary (May 2009)
- historic June data project – stage 1, excel spreadsheet of questions (November 2007)
Intentions, attitudes
- public attitudes to agriculture, the farmed landscape and natural environment (October 2007)
- baseline projections for agriculture (October 2007)
- analysis of ‘Farmers Voice 2007’ (August 2007)
- analysis of ‘Farmers Voice 2006’ (October 2006)
- analysis of ‘Farmers Voice 2005’ (March 2006)
- analysis of recent data for dairy cows in England and implications for the environment 2009 (June 2009)
- analysis of recent data for dairy cows in England and implications for the environment 2006 (June 2006)
- analysis of recent data for suckler cows in England and implications for the environment 2006 (April 2006)
Local agricultural data
- improved local agricultural data (July 2006)
Single Payment Scheme
- uptake of the Single Payment Scheme by farmers 2009, full paper or summary (May 2010)
- analysis of Single Payment Scheme payments in England (June 2007)
- updated projections of the distribution of the Single Payment Scheme payments in 2012 (February 2007)
- uptake of the Single Payment Scheme by farmers 2006 (February 2007)
Specialisation, diversity
- specialisation in agriculture (July 2008)
Structural change
Uncropped land, set-aside
- campaign for the farmed environment: summary of evidence (February 2013)
- campaign for the farmed environment: entry level stewardship option uptake (February 2013)
- campaign for the farmed environment: field verification of campaign uptake and delivery of environmental benefits: 2010 report, 2011 report, 2012 report (February 2013)
- campaign for the farmed environment: evaluation of partnership, local and wider impacts (February 2013)
- farmer attitudes and evaluation of outcomes to on-farm environmental management (February 2013)
- further analysis of land managed under the campaign for the farmed environment 2010/11 (November 2011)
- further assessing the botanical interest of set-aside and uncropped land (May 2009)
- further monitoring of uncropped land (February 2009)
- impact of zero per cent set-aside on birds (January 2009)
- quantifying the water quality impacts of zero percent set-aside (January 2009)
- botanical survey (August 2008)
- telephone survey of farm business survey participants (January 2008)
- further development of published project on set-aside (June 2007)
- environmental impacts of change in set-aside and fallow in June Survey 2005 (February 2006)
- uplands farm survey 2012, full report and detailed results (July 2012)
- uptake of uplands entry level stewardship and the uplands transitional payment: 1 year report (December 2011)
- uptake of uplands entry level stewardship and the uplands transitional payment: 6 month report (June 2011)
- public attitudes and preferences for upland landscapes (March 2011)
- economic and environmental impacts of changes in support measures for the English uplands – an in-depth forward look from the farmer’s perspective (October 2010)
- farming in the English uplands, full paper or summary (May 2010)
- farm practices survey of upland farmers 2009 – detailed report (October 2009)
- farm practices survey of upland farmers 2009 (June 2009)
- quantitative approaches to assessment of farm level change (January 2007)
Related series
Updates to this page
Edited soils section to link to new collection.
Added UK and England soil nutrient balances, 2021.
Updated link to new collection page for Soil nutrient balances for the regions of England.
Added link to UK and England soil nutrient balances 2020.
Added new publication for soil nutrient balances for the regions of England, 2019.
Added link to soil nutrients 2019 statistics.
Added link to Historical Agri-environment analysis reports based on Farm Business Survey data page.
Updated the dairy, grazing livestock and cereal farms economic analytical reports, as at 17 July 2020.
Added link to soil nutrient balance documents, 2018 statistics.
Updated with UK and England soil nutrient balances 2017.
Updated with link to soil nutrients 2016 documents.
Fixed broken link 'UK and England time series, 1990, 1995 and 2000 to 2015'.
Updated with UK and England soil nutrient balances 2015.
Updated with UK and England soil nutrient balances 2014.
Updated to included link to soil nutirent balance data for 2013
Updated to include a report on the impact of grants on farm economic performance.
First published.