
Agri-environment analysis

Series of reports looking at farming practices and the impact on the environment.

This series includes published reports of analysis and research by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and external organisations aimed at monitoring and improving understanding of changes in farming patterns and practices and how they may impact on the environment. The reports are grouped by topic.



Countryside survey

Cross compliance

Economic and environmental performance

Environmental monitoring (Indicators)

Environmental outcomes


Historical data

Intentions, attitudes


Local agricultural data

Single Payment Scheme


Specialisation, diversity

Structural change

Uncropped land, set-aside



Updates to this page

Published 23 July 2013
Last updated 8 March 2023
  1. Edited soils section to link to new collection.

  2. Added UK and England soil nutrient balances, 2021.

  3. Updated link to new collection page for Soil nutrient balances for the regions of England.

  4. Added link to UK and England soil nutrient balances 2020.

  5. Added new publication for soil nutrient balances for the regions of England, 2019.

  6. Added link to soil nutrients 2019 statistics.

  7. Added link to Historical Agri-environment analysis reports based on Farm Business Survey data page.

  8. Updated the dairy, grazing livestock and cereal farms economic analytical reports, as at 17 July 2020.

  9. Added link to soil nutrient balance documents, 2018 statistics.

  10. Updated with UK and England soil nutrient balances 2017.

  11. Updated with link to soil nutrients 2016 documents.

  12. Fixed broken link 'UK and England time series, 1990, 1995 and 2000 to 2015'.

  13. Updated with UK and England soil nutrient balances 2015.

  14. Updated with UK and England soil nutrient balances 2014.

  15. Updated to included link to soil nutirent balance data for 2013

  16. Updated to include a report on the impact of grants on farm economic performance.

  17. First published.