
Annual population survey: UK armed forces veterans residing in Great Britain

This page provides estimates on the size and socio-demographic characteristics of the UK veteran population living in England, Scotland and Wales.

The publications below provide estimates on the size and socio-demographic characteristics of the UK veteran population living in households in England, Scotland and Wales.

There are 4 reports in this series, published using the 2014 to 2017 Annual Population Survey datasets produced by the Office for National Statistics. The statistical bulletin published in 2017 is the last in the series.

For more information you can view upcoming release dates for this publication.


Updates to this page

Published 19 May 2016
Last updated 16 August 2019 show all updates
  1. Added information to the page description.

  2. Added Annual population survey: UK Armed Forces veterans residing in Great Britain 2017’.

  3. Added link to Annual population survey: UK armed forces veterans residing in Great Britain 2016.

  4. Added Annual population survey: UK armed forces veterans residing in Great Britain 2015.

  5. Annual population survey statement removed.

  6. Updated description of the publication.

  7. First published.