Annual tax credits reports
Annual reports from the Commissioners for HMRC to the Treasury on tax credits under section 40 of the Tax Credits Act 2002.
HM Revenue and Customs is required under section 40 of the Tax Credits Act 2002 to provide an annual report to the Treasury on:
- the number of awards for Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit
- the number of enquiries conducted under section 19
- the number of penalties imposed under part 1
- the number of prosecutions and convictions for offences connected with tax credits
Annual reports
Updates to this page
Added 'Annual tax credits report: 2019 to 2020' to the collection.
Added report for tax year 2018 to 2019.
Added report for 2017 to 2018.
Added 'Annual tax credits report: 2016 to 2017'
Added 'Annual tax credits report: 2015 to 2016'
First published.