This collection brings together documents related to the government's work to combat domestic and international corruption.
These pages provide details about the government’s work to combat domestic and international corruption, including strategy documents and the role of the Prime Minister’s Anti-Corruption Champion
On 12 May 2016, the Anti-Corruption Summit was held in London. The aim of the summit was to step up global action to expose, punish and drive out corruption in all walks of life.
The Criminal Finances Act (2017) gives law enforcement agencies and partners, further capabilities and powers to recover the proceeds of crime, tackle money laundering, tax evasion and corruption, and combat the financing of terrorism.
The OECD Anti-Bribery Convention establishes legally binding standards to criminalise bribery of foreign public officials in international business transactions and provides for a host of related measures that make this effective. It is the first and only international anti-corruption instrument focused on the ‘supply side’ of the bribery transaction.
On 1 September 2021, the United Kingdom formally joined the Beneficial Ownership Leadership Group and signed up to the best practice beneficial ownership disclosure principles. The Beneficial Ownership Leadership Group was established to drive the global policy shift towards free, open beneficial ownership data. Improving the transparency of who owns and controls companies, known as beneficial ownership, builds business and market confidence, helps tackle corruption and criminal activities and can improve governance and public procurement. You can access further details of the leadership group, its membership and the disclosure principles.
Annual progress updates on the implementation of the anti-corruption strategy and anti-corruption newsletters will be published on this page.
Reporting bribery and corruption
If you suspect that someone has broken the law, you should contact the police in the first instance.
The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) and the National Crime Agency’s International Corruption Unit (ICU) share primary responsibility for investigating allegations of International Bribery and Corruption. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) prosecutes international corruption investigated by the NCA and other investigative bodies.
The SFO tackles the most serious cases of fraud, international bribery and corruption and associated money laundering conducted by or involving corporate entities with a link to the UK. A full description of the SFO’s remit can be found in its Statement of Principle. The SFO is responsible for offences committed in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Allegations involving Scotland are usually referred to the NCA and Police Scotland.
The NCA ICU’s key role is to investigate:
- money laundering in the UK resulting from corruption of politically exposed people
- serious and complex cases of bribery and grand corruption involving UK based companies or nationals, which have an international element, but do not meet the SFO’s remit
Any reports related to a UK company or individual being involved in bribery or corruption overseas should be made to the following dedicated mailbox:
All allegations of foreign bribery are considered by UK law enforcement agencies in the Foreign Bribery Clearing House, hosted by the National Economic Crime Centre and allocated to the most appropriate agency for consideration of further investigation. The SFO, NCA, Police Scotland and other law enforcement partners work closely together to de-conflict referrals and coordinate investigations to ensure the right agency is investigating.
Allegations of UK-based bribery or corruption, that falls outside of the remit of the SFO, should be reported to the local police force.
Anti-corruption Strategy
Anti-corruption progress updates
Anti-corruption newsletters
Anti-corruption legislation
Beneficial ownership transparency disclosure principles
Prime Minister’s Anti-Corruption Champion
Updates to this page
New collection added - documents relating to Prime Minister’s Anti-Corruption Champion.
Updated to reflect appointment of Margaret Hodge.
Anti-corruption strategy: year 3 update added.
On 1 September 2021, the United Kingdom formally joined the Beneficial Ownership Leadership Group and signed up to the best practice beneficial ownership disclosure principles. Added a link to the declaration.
Added World anti-corruption day newsletter: December 2020.
Expanded description of SFO and NCA roles.
Added paragraph explaining what to do if If you suspect that someone has broken the law.
Added 'Anti-corruption strategy: year 2 update'.
Added anti-corruption newsletter for summer 2019.
Updated to add the statutory review of the exchange of notes arrangements
First anti-corruption newsletter published.
Updated to add Anti-corruption strategy: year 1 update
First published.