
Anti-dumping duty measures

Find the most recently applied anti-dumping duty measures.

Anti-dumping duty is an import duty charged in addition to normal Customs Duty and applies across the UK and the whole EU. It allows the UK and EU to take action against goods sold at less than their normal value, defined as the price for ‘like goods’ sold in the exporter’s home market.

The National Archive website has details of anti-dumping duty measures with the reference numbers:

2351 onwards

2300 to 2350

Updates to this page

Published 4 June 2014
Last updated 23 August 2021 show all updates
  1. Anti-dumping duty measure 2465 has been added to the collection.

  2. Anti-dumping duty measure 2466 added to the collection.

  3. Anti-Dumping Duty measures AD2452, AD2453, AD2454, AD2455, AD2456, AD2457, AD2458 and AD2459 have been added to collection.

  4. Anti-Dumping Duty measures AD2450 and AD2451 have been added to collection.

  5. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2447 has been added to collection.

  6. Imports of certain corrosion resistant steels from China (anti-dumping duty 2448) has been added.

  7. Added Imports of aluminium converter foil from China (anti-dumping duty 2442).

  8. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2427 has been added to collection

  9. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2422 has been added to collection.

  10. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2358 has been added to collection.

  11. 'Amending regulations that impose anti-dumping or countervailing duties on steel (Anti-Dumping Duty AD2356)' was added to the page.

  12. Anti-Dumping Duty measures AD2353 have been added to collection.

  13. Anti-Dumping Duty measures AD2354 and AD2355 have been added to collection.

  14. Anti-Dumping Duty measures AD2351 and AD2352 have been added to collection.

  15. Anti-Dumping Duty measures AD2349 and AD2350 have been added to collection.

  16. Anti-Dumping Duty measures AD2346 and AD2347 have been added to collection.

  17. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2345 has been added to collection.

  18. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2339 has been added to collection.

  19. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2335 has been added to collection.

  20. Anti-Dumping Duty measures AD2314 and AD2315 have been added to collection.

  21. Anti-Dumping Duty measures AD2312 and AD2313 have been added to collection.

  22. Anti-Dumping Duty measures AD2310 and AD2311 have been added to collection.

  23. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2308 has been added to collection.

  24. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2176 has been added to collection.

  25. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2175 has been added to collection.

  26. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2173 has been added to collection.

  27. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2171 added.

  28. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2169 added to collection

  29. New Anti-Dumping Duty measure publication AD2166 and AD2169 added to the collection.

  30. New Anti-Dumping Duty measure publication AD2165 added to the collection.

  31. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2163

  32. New Anti-Dumping Duty measure publication AD2164 added to the collection.

  33. New Anti-Dumping Duty measures added to the collection page

  34. Anti-Dumping measures AD2160

  35. New Anti-Dumping measure added.

  36. New Anti-Dumping Duty measure publication AD2142 added to the collection.

  37. New document for Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2139.

  38. New Anti-Dumping Duty measure publications AD2142 and AD2143 have been added to the collection.

  39. New Anti-Dumping Duty measure publication AD2136 added to the collection.

  40. New Anti-Dumping Duty measure publication AD2129 added to the collection.

  41. New document Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2125 added.

  42. New Anti-Dumping Duty measures AD2127 added.

  43. Anti-Dumping measure AD2128 added to collection.

  44. Anti-Dumping measure AD2117 added to collection.

  45. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2083 added to the collection

  46. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2064 and Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2062 added

  47. Anti-Dumping Duty measures AD2049, AD2050 and AD2051 have been added to this collection.

  48. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2046 has been added to this collection.

  49. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2042 and AD2043 have been added to this collection.

  50. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2041A has been added to this collection

  51. Add measures 2019, 2020 and 2021 have been added to this collection.

  52. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2019 has been added.

  53. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2010 added.

  54. Anti-Dumping-Duty measure AD2009 has been added to the collection.

  55. Anti-Dumping-Duty measure AD2007 has been added to the collection.

  56. Anti-Dumping-Duty measure AD2006 has been added to the collection.

  57. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2005 has been added to the collection.

  58. The Anti-Dumping Duty measure 2003 has been added to the collection.

  59. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD2002 has been added.

  60. AD2001 attached

  61. Anti-Dumping Duty measure 1998 added to the collection.

  62. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD1997 has been added to the collection.

  63. Anti-Dumping Duty measures 1999 and 2000 have been added to the collection.

  64. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD1996 has been added to this collection.

  65. Anti-Dumping Duty measures 1992 and 1993 added to the collection.

  66. AD 1995 has been added to the collection.

  67. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD1994 has been added to this collection.

  68. AD1991 amending AD1990 has been added

  69. Anti-Dumping Duty measure AD1990 has been added to this collection.

  70. Anti-Dumping-Duty measure AD1989 has been added to the collection

  71. First published.