Treaties published in the Treaty Series from 2018 to present
This page brings together all Command Papers published in the Treaty Series from 2018 onwards.
The Treaty Series contains treaties that have completed all necessary procedures and now are in force for the UK.
Treaty Series 2025
Treaty Series 2024
Treaty Series 2023
Treaty Series 2022
Treaty Series 2021
Treaty Series 2020
Treaty Series 2019
Treaty Series 2018
Updates to this page
Upload of [TS No. 14/2025], [TS No. 15/2025], [TS No. 16/2025].
Upload of [TS No.11/2025], [TS No.12/2025], [TS No.13/2025].
Upload of: [TS No. 8/2025], [TS No. 9/2025], [TS No. 10/2025].
Uploaded [TS No.5/2025], [TS No.6/2025], [TS No.7/2025]
Uploaded [TS No.4/2025].
Uploaded [TS Nos. 1 -3/2025].
Uploaded [TS Nos. 98 - 100/2024].
Uploaded [TS Nos. 94 - 97/2024].
Uploaded [TS Nos. 91 - 93/2024].
Uploaded [TS Nos. 89 - 90/2024].
[Uploaded TS Nos. 86 - 88/2024].
Uploaded [TS Nos. 86 - 88/2024].
Uploaded [TS No.85/2024].
Uploaded [TS Nos.82 - 84/2024].
Uploaded [TS Nos. 79 - 81/2024].
Uploaded [TS Nos. 75 - 78].
Uploaded [TS Nos.71 - 74/2024].
Uploaded [TS Nos.67 - 70/2024].
Uploaded [TS Nos.63 - 66/2024].
Uploaded [TS No.62/2024].
Uploaded [TS Nos.58 - 61/2024].
Uploaded [TS Nos.54 - 57/2024].
Uploaded [TS Nos.50 - 53/2024].
Uploaded [TS Nos.45 - 49/2024].
Uploaded [TS Nos.43 and 44/2024].
Uploaded [TS Nos.41 and 42/2024].
Uploaded [TS Nos.37-40/2024].
Uploaded [TS Nos.33 - 36/2024].
Uploaded [TS Nos. 29 - 32/2024].
Uploaded [TS Nos.27 - 28/2024]
Uploaded [TS No.24/2024] and [TS No.26/2024].
Uploaded [TS Nos. 21 - 23/2024] and [TS No.25/2024].
Uploaded [TS No.20/2024].
Uploaded [TS Nos.15 - 19 2024].
Uploaded [TS No.13/2024].
Uploaded [TS No.12/2024].
Uploaded [TS No.10/2024] and [TS No.11/2024].
Uploaded [TS No.9/2024].
Uploaded [TS No.8/2024].
Uploaded [TS No.7/2024].
Uploaded [TS No.6/2024].
Uploaded [TS No.5/2024].
Uploaded [TS No.4/2024].
Uploaded [TS No.1/2024], [TS No.2/2024] and [TS No.3/2024]
Uploaded [TS No.38/2023] to [TS No.42/2023].
Upload of UK/New Zealand: Free Trade Agreement [TS No.36/2003] and UK/Australia: Free Trade Agreement [TS No.37/2023] to go live at 14:00 on 18 September 2023.
Upload of UK/Ireland: Exchange of Notes on Joint Procurement of Works, Supplies and Services to Achieve the Aims of Delivering a Safe, Reliable and Cost-Effective Navigation Service [TS No.35/2023].
Upload of four treaties to Treaty Series 2023, all to go live at 14:00 on 17 August 2023: 1. UK/Switzerland: Agreement on the International Carriage of Passengers and Goods by Road [TS No.31/2023]. 2. UK/Australia: Agreement for Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy [TS No.32/2023]. 3. UK/Canada: Agreement for Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy [TS No.33/2023]. 4. UK/USA: Agreement for Cooperation in Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy [TS No.34/2023].
Upload of four treaties to Treaty Series 2023, all to go live at 14:00 on 10 August 2023: 1. UK/Ukraine: Framework Agreement on Official Credit Support for the Development of the Capabilities of the Ukrainian Navy [TS No.27/2023]. 2. UK/Belgium: Agreement concerning the Protection of Classified Information [TS No.28/2023]. 3. UK/Japan: Protocol Amending the Agreement for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy (with Agreed Minutes) [TS No.29/2023]. 4.UK/Latvia: Agreement concerning the Protection of Classified Information [TS No.30/2023].
Treaty added: UK/EU and EAEC: Draft Agreement on the Establishment and the Privileges and Immunities of the Delegation of the EU to the UK [TS No.10/2021]
Addition of UK/Cyprus: Amendment of the Convention for the Elimination of Double Taxation [TS No.7/2019]
First published.