
Biodiversity net gain

Information you need for biodiversity net gain (BNG).

This page is where you’ll find all GOV.UK guidance on BNG. If you’re new to BNG, read understanding biodiversity net gain, which gives an overview of key information.

You can also find:

Biodiversity net gain (BNG) is a way of creating and improving natural habitats. BNG makes sure development has a measurably positive impact (‘net gain’) on biodiversity, compared to what was there before development.  

You will need to understand the requirements of BNG if you’re a: 

  • developer 
  • local planning authority 
  • land manager wanting to sell in the BNG market 

In England, BNG is mandatory under Schedule 7A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as inserted by Schedule 14 of the Environment Act 2021). Developers must deliver a BNG of 10%. This means a development will result in more or better quality natural habitat than there was before development. 

What biodiversity net gain is

Land manager guidance

Developer guidance

Local planning authority guidance

Calculate biodiversity value

Habitat management and monitoring plans

Planning practice guidance

Manage biodiversity gains

Updates to this page

Published 21 February 2023
Last updated 15 March 2024 show all updates
  1. Updated call to action box with a link to BNG planning guidance.

  2. Updated call to action box with links to understanding BNG, LPA guidance and steps for land managers/developers.

  3. Added new guidance on irreplaceable habitats to the 'developers' section.

  4. Added new link to planning practice guidance.

  5. 'Manage biodiversity gains' section has been added. This gives information on how to register a biodiversity gain site, record allocation of off-site biodiversity gains to a development, estimate the cost of statutory biodiversity credits, buy statutory biodiversity credits, and search the biodiversity gain sites register. Updated that BNG is mandatory from 12 February 2024.

  6. Added draft biodiversity net gain planning practice guidance.

  7. Updated ahead of biodiversity net gain (BNG) becoming mandatory. Clarified the introductory wording on BNG. Added new guidance on exemptions, making on-site and off-site gains, statutory credits, legal agreements, biodiversity gain plans, and habitat management and monitoring plans. Added new step by step guidance for land managers and developers and detailed guidance for local planning authorities. Updated guidance on understanding BNG, using the biodiversity metric, selling biodiversity units, and statutory credit prices.

  8. Updated that to record BNG, the service will be available when BNG becomes mandatory (removed the date of November 2023).

  9. Added 'Statutory biodiversity credit prices' to the guidance for developers.

  10. Added a section for developer guidance and 'What you can count towards a development’s biodiversity net gain (BNG)'.

  11. First published.