Bowel cancer screening: information leaflets
These publications explain bowel cancer screening and support the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme.
Printed copies of the Bowel cancer screening: helping you decide invitation leaflet are provided free of charge to screening hubs and their mailing companies. Orders of this leaflet are limited to one copy per individual per screening invitation.
Printed copies of the Having a colonoscopy leaflet are also available to the hubs and their mailing companies. Orders are limited to one copy per individual receiving a screening result of ‘further tests needed’.
You can order population screening leaflets for guidance.
All the other bowel cancer screening public information leaflets listed here are available as online HTML publications to signpost people to as appropriate. They can also be printed off locally for people who cannot access digital information.
Standard information
Easy read information
Providers can download and use the bowel cancer screening easy guides below for people with learning disabilities and others who struggle with written English.
They can also direct people who cannot read or do not like written words to the Beyond Words bowel cancer screening picture story, which includes a suggested storyline for family members, carers or health professionals to refer to.