Capital items: guidance for applicants and agreement holders
What items are available, how to apply for them and how to manage your funding agreement.
You can get paid for capital items to help you carry out Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) actions and Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier (CSHT) actions. Capital items are available under:
- Protection and Infrastructure grants
- Woodland Tree Health (WTH) grants
- Higher Tier Capital Grants
- capital grants plans
Applications for Capital Grants 2024 are currently closed.
Use the grant finder to search for a description and essential requirements for individual capital items.
Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier: new capital items
Read about the new capital items that will be available in Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier when it opens in summer 2025.
Capital grants plans
You can apply for one-off payments to create plans or studies to support other capital items or management actions.
You can apply for the following:
- PA1: Implementation plan
- PA2: Feasibility study
- PA3: Woodland management plan
- PA4: Agroforestry plan
- PA5: Moorland mapping
- PA7: Species management plan
For PA1, PA2, PA4, PA5 and PA7, read ‘Apply for a capital grants plan’ for more information including how to apply.
For PA3, read ‘Apply for PA3: Woodland management plan’ for more information including how to apply.
Protection and Infrastructure grants
Protection and Infrastructure grants are for capital items that support improving the management of woodland and to help manage the impact of beaver behaviours.
You can apply for a Protection and Infrastructure grant at any time of the year from 2 January 2025.
Woodland Tree Health (WTH) grants
A WTH grant helps to restock or improve woodland after tree health problems.
You can apply for a WTH grant at any time of the year from 2 January 2025.
Higher Tier Capital Grants
Higher Tier Capital Grants provide 3-year agreements offering capital items to achieve additional environmental benefits.
You can apply for a Higher Tier Capital Grant at any time of the year from 2 January 2025.
Agreement holder's information
How to manage your agreement and meet its requirements.
How to claim for a capital item
You can make a claim for a capital item online, by email or by post. Read ‘ How to make a capital or revenue claim’ for more information.
Updates to this page
Updated links to guidance for capital items 2025. Moved guidance for 2024 to the Agreement holder's information.
Added a link to the new capital items that will be available for Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier when the scheme opens in summer 2025.
Capital Grants 2024 are currently closed.
First published.