Care and Support Specialised Housing Fund
The Care and Support Specialised Housing Fund (CASSH) aims to support and accelerate the development of specialist affordable housing which meets the needs of older people and adults with disabilities or mental health problems.
Since 2013, Homes England has allocated over £150 million capital funding to specialist housing providers, on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care, to bring forward proposals through two phases. Further information on the fund is provided in the links below.
Continuous Market Engagement
In order to continue to support the delivery of specialist affordable housing through the CASSH fund, Government has agreed to extend the funding for a further three years to 2021 with a budget of up to £76 million per year made available across the country over this period.
Up to £125 million of this funding is being allocated by Homes England to support new developments in England (outside London) through a continuous market engagement (CME) process, which is now open for bidding. There is no fixed bidding window for CME and the programme will remain open to receive new applications throughout the funding period. A separate programme for London will be delivered by the Greater London Authority.
As this is a continuation of the existing CASSH fund the funding requirements will remain unchanged from the original bid rounds. Full details of the fund and how to bid for funding are published in the bidding Prospectus for Phase 2. Updated supplementary information for bidders submitting proposals through CASSH CME is provided below.
During the bid round if you have any questions about bidding please email or contact your local Homes England area team.