Census 2011: Working age UK armed forces veterans residing in England and Wales: index
The MOD has published 2 reports in this series. Please read the report summaries below to ensure that you are referring to most appropriate report that best meets your needs.
Census 2011: Working age UK Armed Forces veterans residing in England and Wales
This first report presents the estimates on the size and socio-demographic characteristics of the working age UK Armed Forces veteran population (between 16 and 64 years of age), using responses provided in the 2011 Census, administered across England and Wales by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
The aim of this report is to present estimated summary figures on working age veterans, specifically: people characteristics (gender, age and ethnicity); location (country, region, county, local authority and NHS authority areas); health; disability; employment status; highest education qualification obtained and housing.
These statistics can be used to explore the following types of questions:
- how many working age veterans were there in England and Wales in 2011? What were their socio-demographic characteristics, and where did they reside?
- what proportion of working age veterans were estimated to be in good health, to be disabled, to be in employment, to own their own property, to be qualified?
This second report presents comparisons between working age (aged between 16 – 64) UK Armed Forces veterans, and working age usual residents in England and Wales, using responses provided in the 2011 Census, administered across England and Wales by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
The aim of this report is to present comparisons between working age veterans and usual residents in terms of self-reported health, disability, housing, education, economic activity (or employment status) and occupation.
These statistics can be used to explore whether the percentage of working age veterans in England and Wales in 2011 was higher or lower than usual residents with regards to good health, disability status, economic activity, property ownership, and highest achieved qualification.
It is important to note that the veteran percentages presented in this report have been calculated from data which have been adjusted to align with the age, gender and regional profile of usual residents, to enable comparisons to be made. In many cases these ‘standardised’ percentages will be different to those published in the first report in this series.
The standardised veteran percentages published in this report should not be reported on. Users of these statistics who wish to report veteran percentages (e.g. percentage of veterans that own their own home) should refer to the first report in this series.
Further information on this methodology is explained further within the accompanying Background Quality Report.