Central government websites
This document collection brings together reports and data relating to open central government websites.
This page brings together data and progress reports on open central government websites.
Summary data on the number of open websites owned by central government has also been published on the Open central government websites dashboard.
Open central government websites
The Cabinet Office has committed to publish the number of open websites for central government on a quarterly basis.
Central government websites: reporting on progress
Annual progress reports on open central government websites with metrics providing usage, accessibility and satisfaction ratings data.
The standards and guidance that reports were previously based on were developed by the Central Office of Information (COI). From April 2014, digital services from the government must meet the new Digital by Default Service Standard.
Updates to this page
September 2018 document added to collection.
June 2018 document added to collection.
January to March 2018 open central government website data added to collection.
Open central government websites for Sep to Dec 2017 added.
Added October 2016 update.
Added April update
Added December 2015 data
Added September 2015 data
2014 to 2015 central government websites reporting added.
June 2015 list added
Added December 2014 data.
Added September 2014 update for open government websites.
Added 2013 to 2014 progress reporting and April to June 2014 quarterly data.
Open central government websites for April 2014 added
January 2014 data added.
First published.