Cereal usage and stocks
Use and stocks of cereal grain in the UK.
For the latest cereal stocks on farm statistics please go to the Crops Collection.
This statistical collection ceased to be updated in August 2022 and contains historical statistics only.
The series includes historical publications on the use and stocks of cereal grain and by UK flour millers, brewers, maltsters, distillers and oatmeal millers. It also includes historical publications on cereal stocks held on farms in England and Wales and by ports, co-ops and merchants in the UK.
The Cereals usage by Millers, Brewers, Distillers and Maltsters statistical notice published 8 February 2018 is the final publication of this quarterly series by Defra. These statistics and datasets are now published by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) AHDB cereal usage data.
As well as the survey estimates available there are supply and demand balance sheets for wheat, barley, maize and oats published on the supply and demand section of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB).
Cereal stock statistics - historical editions
Previously published editions of the stocks of cereals held on farm in England and Wales and by ports, co-operatives and merchants in the UK statistical notices. Last notice published in August 2017, future statistics release in dataset only.
Cereal usage statistics - historical editions
Previously published monthly and quarterly statistical notices on the use of cereal grain by UK wheat millers, brewers, distillers, maltsters and oatmeal millers. Last notice published in February 2018. Further publications and datasets will be published by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) AHDB cereal usage data.
Updates to this page
Published 14 October 2013Last updated 4 May 2023 + show all updates
Removed the link to the latest cereal stocks national statistics which are now available as part of the Crops Collection.
Added information to the "details" section to inform users about cereal usage data availability on this website and a link to AHDB website where the statistics are now being published.
Quarterly cereal usage statistics – use of grain by UK wheat millers, brewers distillers maltsters and oatmeal millers will be published by Defra for the final time on 8th February. Subsequent updates will be published by the AHDB (Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board).
Added 2017 historical link.
Added 2016 historical link.
Added link and text to the landing page.
Added 2015 historic data.
Historic cereal stocks data added.
Historic 2014 data added.
Updated attachments to include historic statistic notices for 2013.
Update to statistical release.
First published.