Charity Commission alerts, decisions, reports and statements
Charity Commission case reports, decisions made, inquiry reports, regulatory alerts and statements on live cases.
In the public interest, the Charity Commission usually:
- releases a public statement (press release) whenever it opens a statutory inquiry into a charity (apart from those charities included in the accounts double defaulter class inquiry)
- publishes its findings in a report of the inquiry and, where appropriate, in an accompanying public statement (press release)
Published statements and reports are shown on the charity’s entry on the register of charities.
The Commission will not announce that it is opening an inquiry if it considers it would not be in the public interest or there are other reasons why it is not appropriate to do so. See statements on live cases.
The Commission may also publish reports of its non-inquiry work where there:
- is significant public interest in the issues involved and the outcome
- are lessons that other charities can learn from them
The Commission may choose to publish statements about its current investigations, decisions, accounts monitoring work and other cases in line with its policy on reporting its regulatory work.
How the Charity Commission reports on its regulatory work
Inquiry reports and case statements
Inquiry reports: Charity Commission
Case concluding statements: Charity Commission
Statements on live cases: Charity Commission
Alerts for charities
Regulatory alerts: Charity Commission
Registration decisions
Updates to this page
Updated list of document collection pages.
Updated the page with recent charity inquiry reports, case reports and statements on live cases.
Updated the page with recent charity inquiry reports, alerts and statements on live cases.
Updated the page with recent charity inquiry reports, case reports and statements on live cases.
Added recent inquiry reports, case reports and statements on live cases.
Updated the page with recent inquiry reports, case reports and statements on live cases.
Updated the page with recent inquiry reports and statements about live cases.
Updated the page with recent inquiry reports and statements about live cases.
Updated the page with recent alerts, decisions and inquiry reports.
Added recent inquiry reports and statements about live cases to the page.
Added recent inquiry reports and statements about live cases to the page.
Added recent inquiry reports and statements about live cases to the page.
Added recent case reports, inquiry reports, decisions, alerts and statements on live cases to the page.
Added recent case reports, inquiry reports and statements on live cases to the collection page.
Added recent new statements on live cases to the page.
Added a new alert and statement on live cases.
Added new alerts, decisions, reports and statements to the collection page.
Updated the page with new regulatory alerts and statements on live cases.
Updated the page with new regulatory decisions and statements on live cases.
New reports, decisions, alerts and statements are available through the page links.
First published.