
Child Support Agency statistics

Experimental statistics on the Child Support Agency's 1993 and 2003 statutory child maintenance schemes and CSA case closures.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is responsible for the child maintenance system in Great Britain. It funds information and support for separating parents and runs the statutory child maintenance schemes, currently operated through the Child Support Agency (CSA) and the Child Maintenance Service (CMS).

There is contact information and more about DWP statistics on the Statistics at DWP page.

Final release of quarterly summary statistics

The is the final release of the CSA quarterly summary statistics (QSS).

After this release, the following CSA statistics will transfer from the QSS and be published alongside the CMS quarterly statistics instead:

  • Table 8.1 (Collections and write-off on CSA arrears only case groups)
  • Table 8.2 (Methods of debt collection for CSA arrears only case groups)

These tables relate to CSA debt that has now been transferred to the CMS for collection.

Background information and methodology

Quarterly summary statistics: policies and methodology

We’ve published details of our policies and methodology related to the CSA QSS for pre-December 2013 and post December 2013 separately below.

In December 2013 some of the methodologies used to produce the CSA QSS changed.

Quarterly summary statistics: consultations

Case closure statistics

This statistical series has ended – the final edition was published on 13 March 2019.

Previous quarterly summary statistics

Child Support Agency statistics: publication strategy

2012 child maintenance scheme statistics

Experimental Statistics on the 2012 scheme are published separately.

The publication below provides details on the strategy for the publication of information about the 2012 scheme.

Updates to this page

Published 28 August 2013
Last updated 27 October 2021 show all updates
  1. Added a link to the latest release of Child Support Agency quarterly summary of statistics with data to June 2021.

  2. Added a link to the latest release of the Child Support Agency quarterly summary of statistics, with data to March 2021.

  3. Added a link to the latest release of the Child Support Agency quarterly summary of statistics, data to December 2020.

  4. Added a link to the latest release of the Child Support Agency quarterly summary of statistics, data to September 2020.

  5. Added a link to the latest release of the Child Support Agency quarterly summary of statistics, data to June 2020.

  6. Added a link to the latest release of the Child Support Agency quarterly summary of statistics, data to March 2020.

  7. Added a note about the data included in the latest Child Support Agency statistics releases.

  8. Added a link to the latest release of the Child Support Agency quarterly summary of statistics, data to December 2019.

  9. Added a link to the latest release of the Child Support Agency quarterly summary of statistics, data to September 2019.

  10. Added a link to the latest release of the Child Support Agency quarterly summary of statistics, data to June 2019.

  11. Added a link to the latest release of the Child Support Agency quarterly summary of statistics, data to March 2019.

  12. Added 'Child Support Agency case closure statistics: June 2014 to December 2018'.

  13. Added a link to the latest release of the Child Support Agency quarterly summary of statistics, data to December 2018.

  14. Added 'Child Support Agency case closure experimental statistics: data for June 2014 to September 2018'.

  15. Added 'Child Support Agency quarterly summary of statistics: September 2018' to latest release section.

  16. Added 'Child Support Agency case closure experimental statistics: data for June 2014 to June 2018'.

  17. Added 'Child Support Agency quarterly summary of statistics: June 2018' to latest release section.

  18. Added 'Child Support Agency case closure experimental statistics: data for June 2014 to March 2018'.

  19. Added 'Child Support Agency quarterly summary of statistics: March 2018' to latest release section.

  20. Added latest quarterly experimental statistics on the progress of the Child Support Agency (CSA) case closure programme - the statistics are from June 2014 to December 2017. Regional data tables have also been added to the CSA quarterly summary of statistics, December 2017.

  21. Added 'Child Support Agency quarterly summary of statistics: December 2017'.

  22. Added 'Child Support Agency case closure experimental statistics: data for June 2014 to September 2017'.

  23. Added 'Child Support Agency quarterly summary of statistics: September 2017'.

  24. Added a note about proposed changes to the CSA quarterly summary of statistics.

  25. Added latest Child Support Agency case closures statistics: June 2014 to June 2017.

  26. Added CSA case closure statistics (data to June 2017).

  27. Added CSA case closure statistics (data to March 2017).

  28. Added 'Child Support Agency quarterly summary of statistics: March 2017'.

  29. Published CSA case closure statistics (data to December 2016).

  30. Added 'Child Support Agency quarterly summary of statistics: December 2016'.

  31. Published CSA case closure statistics (data to September 2016).

  32. Published CSA case closure statistics (data to June 2016).

  33. Published 'Child Support Agency quarterly summary of statistics: June 2016' and added link to background information and methodology document.

  34. Published CSA case closure statistics (data to March 2016).

  35. Published 'Child Support Agency quarterly summary of statistics: March 2016'.

  36. Published CSA case closure statistics (data to to December 2015).

  37. Published 'Child Support Agency quarterly summary of statistics: December 2015'.

  38. Published 'Child Support Agency quarterly summary of statistics: September 2015'.

  39. Published latest statistics with data to June 2015.

  40. Published latest statistics with data to March 2015.

  41. Published latest statistics with data to December 2014.

  42. Published latest statistics with data to September 2014.

  43. Published latest statistics with data to June 2014.

  44. Published CSA quarterly summary statistics May 2014, with information to March 2014.

  45. A new version of the quarterly summary of statistics published on 26 Feb 2014 has been replaced due to revisions to the commentary supporting table 18 and to table 21.

  46. CSA quarterly summary statistics February 2014 with information to December 2013 published.

  47. November Quarterly statistics summary published

  48. Details of a November ad hoc statistical release added.

  49. First published.