Closed affordable home ownership schemes: information packs
Details of schemes that are now closed for applications.
These schemes are now closed for new applications, but you can read about other affordable home ownership schemes.
Help to Buy: Equity Loan
This scheme helped homebuyers buy a new-build home with an equity loan of up to 20% (40% in London), backed by HM government. It was introduced in April 2013, and updated in 2021 to introduce new eligibility criteria. Information for both schemes can be found in the homebuyer’s guides.
Help to Buy: Equity Loan homebuyer’s guides
Armed Forces Home Ownership Scheme (AFHOS)
The scheme provided assistance for regular serving members of the British Armed Forces to purchase a home on the open market that best suited their needs.
Armed Forces Home Ownership Scheme
FirstBuy Scheme
FirstBuy was an affordable housing deposit assistance equity loan product. It aimed to make more new affordable homes available to eligible buyers priced out of the housing market.
First Time Buyers’ Initiative
The First Time Buyers’ Initiative (FTBI) aimed to make more affordable homes available to first time buyers priced out of the housing market.
London-Wide Initiative
The London-Wide Initiative scheme was part of a low-cost home ownership initiative for key workers.
HomeBuy Direct
HomeBuy Direct was an affordable housing assistance product that worked in partnership with housebuilders.