Community Housing Fund
The government made available £163 million across England up to 31 March 2020 through the Community Housing Fund.
Please note that this fund ended on 31 March 2020. Prospective bidders are advised to get in touch with their local Community Housing Fund lead to discuss proposals as soon as possible.
The Fund aims to support an increase in housing supply in England by increasing the number of additional homes delivered by the community-led housing sector; to provide housing that is affordable at local income levels and remains so in perpetuity; and to deliver a lasting legacy for the community-led housing sector in the form of an effective and financially self-sustaining body of expertise within the house building industry in England.
Funding outside London is being allocated by Homes England across 2 phases - A separate programme for London will be delivered by the Greater London Authority. This is in addition to £60 million funding that has already been allocated directly by government to 148 councils in December 2016.
Under Phase One of the Fund, Homes England is making available grants to eligible organisations to support:
- applications for revenue funding for capacity building and predevelopment costs, including revenue grants to local authorities to support community groups
- capital bids for associated infrastructure costs which will support community housing development
Under Phase Two of the Fund Homes England is making available grants to eligible organisations to help cover the capital costs of acquiring land and building community-led housing schemes.
Full details of Community Housing Fund and how to bid are published in the prospectus and the addendum to the prospectus. Publication of these documents signals the start of continuous bidding. We are not setting a closing date for applications at this time and will assess and agree funding proposals on an on-going basis throughout the programme period.
In order to apply for grant, bidders will need to complete and submit an online application via the Homes England bidding portal.
See guidance on completing this process.
If you have any questions regarding the Community Housing Fund please email:
To discuss particular scheme proposals, bidders are invited to contact the Homes England area investment teams. Details of area leads for the Fund are in the prospectus.
Bidding documents
Updates to this page
We have added information related to when the fund will end and bidding closes.
Added links to user guide for milestone payments
We added a link to the Community Housing Fund: Local Authority Infrastructure Agreement page.
We have added the group Call for information on community-led housing projects.
Added State Aid Clarification.
We have added the Community Housing Fund Terms and Conditions Revenue Funding document.
We have added the Community Housing Fund - Supplementary Information for bidders document.
Phase 2 information has been added.
First published.