Companies House case studies
Hear first-hand experiences of the challenges and advantages of owning your own business, with advice on how to get started.
Our case studies highlight the broad range of small businesses in the UK.
Small business stories
We go behind the scenes and speak to directors about how they’ve set up their companies and what services and support they used to achieve their ambitions.
Our #GetBizzy campaign
The number of young directors aged 16 to 24 has grown by 35% over the last 5 years.
We share the stories of young entrepreneurs from across the UK who have started their own business.
Updates to this page
Added HR Sports Academy CIC to collection.
Odyssey Ltd case study added to collection.
Hair Host LLP case study added.
The Eco Larder CIC added.
We have added a new case study (Reach Robotics Limited) to the collection.
First published.