
Completing your Self Assessment tax return

Get help, support and guidance with filling in your Self Assessment tax return.

Short Tax Return

Use SA211 to help you complete the SA200 Short Tax Return.

Self Assessment tax return

Report your income and claim tax reliefs and any repayment due to you using the SA100 return.


Find out about recording self-employment income and how to fill in the Self Assessment supplementary forms for your annual business turnover.


Find out about recording partnership income and how to fill in the supplementary pages on your return.

Pension tax charges

Use the helpsheet to help you fill in the pension savings tax charges and taxable lump sums from overseas pension schemes.

Capital Gains Tax

Use helpsheets, YouTube videos and guidance to help you complete the Capital Gains section of your Self Assessment tax return.

Employment income

Use the helpsheets, forms and guidance notes to help you fill in the employment pages on your return.


Use helpsheets, YouTube videos and guidance to help you complete the Property section of your Self Assessment tax return.

Shares, securities and life insurance policies

Use the helpsheets to:

  • help you fill in the Capital Gains Tax summary on your return for share and security schemes
  • help you fill in the chargeable event gains from UK life insurance policies on your return
  • work out the taxable amount on your employment-related shares and securities
  • work out the gains on foreign life insurance policies and make entries on your return

Foreign income

Watch videos and use the helpsheets and notes to help you fill in the foreign pages of your return.

Watch a video on do I need to declare foreign income to HMRC?.

You will find out about foreign income and what you need to report to HMRC.

Watch a video on Double Taxation Relief and foreign income.

You will find out about claiming relief for tax that has been paid on foreign income both in the UK and country of origin, when a Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) is in place between the 2 countries.

Ministers of religion

Use supplementary pages SA102M to record employment income on your SA100 return if you’re a clergyman, clergywoman or a minister of religion.

Residence and remittance basis

Get help filling in your residency and remittance basis return.

Trusts and estates

Use the helpsheets and guidance notes for your trusts and estates return.

Tax relief

Use the helpsheets help you work out tax reliefs and fill in your return.

Other taxable income and losses

Use the helpsheets to help you fill in your return.

Lloyd's underwriters

Use the helpsheets to help you fill in the Lloyd’s underwriters pages of your return.

Charitable giving

Use helpsheets, YouTube videos and guidance to help you complete the charitable giving section of your Self Assessment tax return.

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Published 19 January 2024