
Conventional armed forces in Europe equipment holdings statistics: index

Annual statistics on the equipment holdings of the UK and other nations within the scope of the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty.

Following a public consultation during July to August 2017 on these statistics, the production of this publication has now ceased.


Updates to this page

Published 25 February 2014
Last updated 31 August 2017 show all updates
  1. Added information about the outcome of a public consultation on the cessation of these statistics.

  2. Added link to public consultation.

  3. Added: Conventional armed forces in Europe equipment holdings statistics: 2017

  4. Added Conventional armed forces in Europe equipment holdings statistics: 2016.

  5. Included a sentence with link for upcoming release dates.

  6. Added Conventional armed forces in Europe equipment holdings statistics: 2015.

  7. Added Vehicle and aircraft holdings within the scope of the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty 2014

  8. First published.