Court statistics (quarterly)
This bulletin presents National Statistics on activity in the county, family, magistrates’ and Crown courts of England and Wales.
The figures give a summary overview of the volume of cases dealt with by these courts over time, with statistics also broken down for the main types of case involved.
Also published are detailed breakdowns of the headline court caseload and timeliness statistics, broken down by court or Local Justice Area. More information can be found on the Open Justice website.
Please note that following a consultation, Court statistics quarterly has been split into three publications: Civil justice statistics quarterly, Criminal court statistics quarterly, and Family court statistics quarterly from December 2014.
Court statistics (quarterly) reports
Updates to this page
Court statistics (quarterly): April to June 2014 published
Document on amended statistics publishing dates removed as no longer accurate.
Amendment to publication schedule added
New additions to collection
New statistical publication added
First published.