
DCMS Open Data Forum - Collections Page

Documents from recent DCMS Open Data Forums; agendas, attendees, summaries of discussions, presentations and Q&A for continuous engagement

The DCMS Open Data Forum Collections Page is a central point of contact for DCMS’ work on open data, and the innovative work of our Arms Length Bodies, which include some of the country’s best known cultural organisations, museums, galleries and regulators.

Here you will mainly find information and documents from the DCMS Open Data Forum which is a user group and sector panel for open data in the DCMS family. It including minutes, presentations, links to items raised in the forum and casestudies for Open Data.

If you have any questions about DCMS or ALB Open Data, or would like to discuss the data the department holds please let us know at Neil Johnston or check out the existing open data listed by DCMS and its ALBs and give feedback on what more could be made open, or what uses you might be able to put cultural, sport and heritage data to.

Semi-live Q&A document and FAQ page: If you have any specific questions about opening or accessing data, or items you would like to ask the Open Data Forum group please email Neil Johnston. Your question will be circulated to the DCMS Open Data Forum group and their responses published on our Q&A page. It’s a great way of group solving any open data issues or queries you have, and enabling others to do the same.

DCMS Open Data Forum - April 2014

Documents relating to the April 2014 Open Data Forum

DCMS Open Data Forum - November 2013

Documents relating to the Open Data Forum in November 2013.

Updates to this page

Published 20 August 2014