Defence Modelling and Simulation Coherence
The Defence Policy for Modelling & Simulation (M&S) JSP 939 provides a Defence-wide coherent approach to provide better M&S capability and reduce costs with less environmental impact.
In support of the above, the Defence M&S Office (DMSO) seeks:
- value for money across the enterprise (highest priority)
- clearly identified modelling and simulation requirements
- conformance to agreed standards
- commonality and re-use of data, models and platforms
- consistent, enduring, accessible, agile and adaptable modelling and simulation solutions
DMSO provides Assessment and Assurance for all Defence M&S against the direction provided in JSP 939. It also provides M&S Advice & Guidance.
Current activities
DMSO is engaged in a number of activities including:
- a systems of systems approach to promote coherent M&S capability
- a Defence Simulation Centre (DSC) that provides a single point of contact for all Defence M&S matters
- engagement with Industry and Academia via the DMSO Industry Advisory Group (DIAG)
Contact details
Updates to this page
Updated page content and contact information.
Updated contact number.
Updated Compliance section
Added Defence policy for modelling and simulation (JSP 939).
Updated Defence Simulation Centre link and contact email address.
First published.