
Defence personnel NHS commissioning statistics: index

Bi-annual statistics on the number of serving UK armed forces personnel and civilian personnel with a Defence Medical Services registration.

After consultation, publication of these statistics has ceased.

Consultation: Cessation of Defence personnel NHS commissioning statistics.

Under the Health and Care Act 2022, 42 Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) were established on 1 July 2022. These boards replaced Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs).

The December 2022 publication (covering data as at 1 October 2022) of this statistic will therefore present information at ICB and sub ICB level instead of Strategic Information Partnerships and Clinical Commissioning Group.

In addition, after seeking feedback from users on proposed changes to this publication, we will be making the below changes with effect from the December 2022 publication:

1. Due to very small changes seen between six-monthly publications the frequency will be reduced to an annual publication, presenting data as at 1 October each year.

2. To avoid duplication, combined tables presenting the total numbers of armed forces and civilians (presented as ‘all persons’) will be removed. Armed forces and civilian numbers will still be presented separately.

3. Single service splits will be removed from all tables. Armed forces totals will remain.

4. Tables will be made clearer by removing the +/- columns that indicate where top level numbers have changed by more than 5% since the last publication.

5. All tables with breakdowns at Local Area Authority level (England and Wales) and District Council level (Northern Ireland) will be removed.

6. Annex F - tables by Defence Primary Healthcare Region will be removed.

Upcoming release dates for this publication.


Updates to this page

Published 25 April 2014
Last updated 13 February 2025 + show all updates
  1. After consultation the publication of these statistics has ceased.

  2. Added a paragraph under 'Details' requesting feedback from users of the NHS commissioning statistic.

  3. Webpage text updated to explain NHS England organisational changes that came into effect in July 2022.

  4. Updated 'Details' section with changes being made to the December 2022 publication of Defence personnel NHS commissioning statistics.

  5. Updated page content and added Defence personnel NHS commissioning bi-annual statistics: financial year 2022/23.

  6. Addition of: Defence personnel NHS commissioning bi-annual statistics for the financial year 2021/22.

  7. Added the Defence personnel NHS commissioning bi-annual statistics: financial year 2020/21.

  8. Added the Defence personnel NHS commissioning bi-annual statistics: financial year 2019/20.

  9. Added Defence personnel NHS commissioning bi-annual statistics: financial year 2018/19.

  10. Added a note about the change to the NHS Commissioning Population Official Statistic due for release on Thursday 24th May containing changes to one of the regional breakdown headings.

  11. Added information about the changes to this statistic based on the outcome of a public consultation.

  12. Updated to add defence personnel NHS commissioning quarterly statistics: financial year 2017/18.

  13. Added information for a public consultation about the reduction in the frequency of the quarterly NHS commissioning population statistics.

  14. Added Defence personnel NHS commissioning quarterly statistics: financial year 2016/17.

  15. Added Defence personnel NHS commissioning quarterly statistics: financial year 2016/17.

  16. Included a sentence with link for upcoming release dates.

  17. Added Defence personnel NHS commissioning quarterly statistics: financial year 2015/16

  18. Added quaterly statistics page for 2014/15.

  19. First published.