
Defence statistics background quality reports: index

The purpose of a background quality report is to inform users of the statistics about the quality of the data used to produce the publication and any statistics derived from that data.

These are the background quality reports which are either for several editions of 1 publication, or for more than 1 publication.

Background quality reports which are for 1 edition of 1 publication can be found on that edition’s webpage.


Updates to this page

Published 5 March 2014
Last updated 25 January 2018 show all updates
  1. Added Forces Help to Buy Scheme quarterly statistics: background quality report.

  2. Added MOD civilian personnel sickness absence quarterly report: background quality reports

  3. Added Forces Help to Buy Scheme monthly statistics: background quality report.

  4. Added UK armed forces and UK civilian operational casualty and fatality statistics: background quality report.

  5. Added UK service personnel patient treatment statistics: background quality report

  6. Added Mental health in the UK armed forces background quality report.

  7. Added Op Herrick casualty and fatality statistics: background quality report.

  8. Added UK service personnel medical discharges, defence trade and industry, armed forces redundancy background quality reports

  9. Added Navy's BQR monthly publication page.

  10. Added UK service personnel amputations: background quality reports

  11. First published.